Single Herbs, AFEA, by Amanda Flashcards
To know all the single herbs
What Category is Shan zhu yu cornus Dogwood fruit/cornelian cherry in?
Stabilize and Bind
What two channels does
Shan zhu yu cornus Dogwood fruit/cornelian cherry AND Sang piano xiao Mantis Egg Case enter?
KI and LV
What does Shan zhu yu cornus Dogwood fruit/cornelian cherry do?
Stabilize KI and secure essence:for leakage of fluid
Stop Excessive sweating and support collapse
Tonify LV and KI
STABLIZE THE MENSES and stop bleeding due to deficiency
Sang piano xiao
Mantis Egg Case
What category?
Stablize and Bind
What does Sang piano xiao
Mantis Egg Case do?
Tonify KI, assists Yang, secures essence, CONTAINS URINE- dribbling, leukorrhea etc
What stabilize and bind herb can be used topically for corns and warts?
Wu mei
What channels does Wu Mei prune enter?
All the L’s (Lg Int, LV, LU) and SP
What does Wu Mei prune do?
Inhibits leakage of LU qi and stop cough, Generates fluid and alleviate thirst, Expel roundworm and alleviate pain, bind up intestines and stop diarrhea, stops bleeding, topically for corns and warts
What stabilize and bind herb contains leakage of LU qi and quiets spirit?
Wu Wei Zi Schizandra
What Stabilize and Bind herb enters the Heart?
Wu Wei Zi Schizandra
What two herbs Extinguish Wind?
Tian ma gastrodia
Gou teng uncaria
What extinguish wind herb alleviates pain for wind damp bi?
Tian ma gastrodia
What extinguish wind herb alleviates spasms and used for LV fire?
Gou teng uncaria
What 4 herbs Stabilize and Bind?
Shan zhu yu cornus Dogwood fruit
We Mei prune
Sang piano xiao mantis egg case
Wu wei zi schizandra
Zhi mu anemarrhena,
zhi zi gardenia,
Shi Gao gypsum
Belong to what category?
Clear Heat, Drain Fire
All Clear Heat, Drain fire herbs enter the ST and LU. What Clear Heat, Drain Fire herb also enters the KI to Tonify the yin?
Zhi mu anemarrhena
Which Clear Heat, Drain Fire herb also focuses on dampness?
Zhi zi Gardenia
What 2 herbs Clear Heat and Cool Blood?
ShEng di huang rehmannia
Mu dan pi tree peony
Which Clear Heat, cool blood nourishes the yin?
ShEng di huang rehmannia
What Clear heat, cool blood herb invigorates the blood and drains pus?
Not for pregnancy
Mu dan pi tree peony
Huang bai phellodendron,
Huang lian coptis,
Huang qin scutellaria,
Long dan cao gentiana
All belong to what category?
Clear Heat, Dry damp
Clear Heat Dry Damp herb for lower burner?
Enters KI and BL
Huang bai phellodendron
B for Bottom
Clear Heat Dry Damp herb for middle burner?
Enters HEART, ST, LV, Lg Int
Huang lian coptis
bai, lian, qin
Clear Heat Dry Damp herb for upper burner and calms fetus?
Huang qin scutellaria
Which Clear Heat Dry damp herb enters GB, LV (and ST) and drains damp heat from LV/GB
Long dan cao gentiana
What herbs settle and calm the spirit and anchor the Shen?
Mu li Oyster Shell
Long gu Dragon Bone
Bai zi ren Biota seed
Suan zao ren zizyphus Wild jujube seed
Which Settle and Calm Spirit, Anchor Shen herb is SOUR?
Suan zao ren zizyphus Wild jujube seed
Which Settle and Calm Spirit, Anchor Shen herb helps with night sweats?
Bai zi ren Biota seed
Which Settle and Calm Spirit, Anchor Shen herb can be used topically for non-healing sore or ulcers?
Long gu Dragon Bone
What is the the herb used to relieve food stagnation?
Shen qu massa fermenta
What herbs help Regulate Qi?
Chen Pi Tangerine Peel
Mu Xiang Aucklandia/saussurea
Xiang fu Cyprus
Zhi ke aurantium Bitter Orange
What Regulate Qi herb also regulates the Menses?
It spreads LV Qi
Xiang fu cyperus
What herb is added to pills to increase mineral absorption?
Shen qu massa fermenta
What Regulate Qi herb also prevents stagnation?
Mu Xiang Aucklandia/saussurea
Gui zhi cinnamon twig, Sheng jiang ginger, Ma huang ephedra, Jing jie schizonepeta, Fang feng ledobouriella
Warm, Acrid, Release Exterior
Which W.A.R.E herb resolves toxicity from seafood (and Fu Zi aconite and Ban Xia pinellia)
Sheng jiang Ginger
Which W.A.R.E herb unblocks yang qi from chest?
Not for pregnancy
Gui zhi Cinnamon Twig
Which W.A.R.E herbs sweet and relieves spasms?
Fang Feng ledebouriella
flicks away damp and wind
Which W.A.R.E herb vents rashes and alleviates itching?
Jing Jie Schizonepeta
Dang shen Codonopsis, Da zao dates (jujube) Bai zhu atractylodes Huang qi Astragalus Shan yao dioscorea Gan cao licorice
Tonify Qi
Which Tonify Qi herb can cause high Blood pressure (hypothyroidism)
Gan cao licorice
What Tonify Qi herb is also 50% of a Transportation and Transformation for damp?
Bai zhu atractylodes
What Tonify Qi herb helps stabilize and bind essence?
Such as frequent urination or vaginal discharge
Shan yao Dioscorea
Tonify Qi herb for post partum and stabilize exterior?
Huang qi Astragalus
Which herbs Tonify Yang?
Yin Yang huo epimedium
Du Zhong eucommia
Which Tonify Yang herb also calms the fetus and strengthen the sinew and bone?
Du Zhong eucommia
Which Tonify Yang herb also expels Wind Cold Dampness?
Yin Yang huo
What does a person with deficient Yang look like?
Diarrhea (watery, or cock’s crow), cold weak low back or knees, tiredness, lack energy, sluggish digestion, shiny and pale face
Tongue: pale, very swollen/puffy, thin white coat, wet
Pulse: deep and slow, weak
How do you treat Deficient Yang?
Warm interior and Tonify yang
How do you get yang deficiency?
From Qi deficiency, cold diet, stuck pathogen or a prone to cold person
Bai Shao Peony is in what category?
Tonify Blood
What category is Shu di Huang rehmannia in?
Tonify Blood
Which Tonify blood herb is also 50% a Tonify yin herb?
only one to enter the KI
Shu di Huang rehmannia
Which Tonify Blood herb regulates the menses AND curbs LV yang?
Bai Shao Peony
Which two herbs are all-stars for spasm pain?
Bai Shao Peony and Gan Cao Licorice
Which Tonify Blood herb regulates menses AND moistens intestines?
Enters LV, HT, SP
Dang Gui Angelica
Which Tonify blood herb also calms the Shen by tonifiying and augmenting Qi of HT and SP?
Long Yan rou longan fruit
What does a patient look like with Blood Stagnation?
Dry mouth with no desire to drink subjective sensation of fullness in lower abdomen, dry discolored skin, immobile masses, abscesses and ulcers, loss or brittle hair, purple lips
Tongue: purple spots or darkish
Pulse: choppy, submerged, tight or wiry
What category is Chi shao red peony in?
Invigorate Blood
What category is Chuan Xin Ligusticum in?
Invigorate Blood
Niu xi achyranthis
Tao Ren Persica Peach Seed
Hong hua carthamus safflower
Chuan Xiong ligusticum
Chi shao Peony Red Peony
Dan Shen Salvia
Red Sage root
Are in what category?
Invigorate Blood
Which Invigorate Blood herb also can be used topically for bed sores?
Hong hua Carthamus Safflower
This herb is used in small doses it Harmonizes the Blood. If used in large doses it dispels blood stasis.
Hint: in Invigorate Blood category
Hong hua Carthamus
What Invigorate Blood herb enters the PC?
Dan Shen Salvia
red sage root
Which invigorate Blood herb clears damp heat in lower burner and induces down movement of blood and fire?
Niu xi achyranthis
Huai- prepared
Which Invigorate Blood herb enters both Metal elements (Lung and Lg Int) and it unblocks the bowels?
Tao ren Persica
Which Invigorate Blood herb also expels wind and alleviates pain?
Chuan xiong Ligusticum
What does Wind Heat look like in a patient?
Severe Fever, mild chills, sore throat, aversion to heat, feeling warm/agitated, skin eruptions, dark urine
Tongue: Sl. red with thin white/yellow coat
Pulse: Floating or rapid
Often from External pathogens in the summertime
Sheng ma cimicifuga
Chai hu Bupleurum
Bo He Mint
Belong to what category?
Cold Acrid Release Exterior
Which C.A.R.E herb vents measles?
Sheng ma cimicifuga
Which C.A.R.E herb expels turbid filth but may also reduce lactation?
Bo He
Which C.A.R.E enters the Wood element (GB and LV) and resolves lesser yang (GB/TH) disorders and prolapse, hemorrhoids and vag discharge?
Chai Hu Bupleurum
How do you treat True Cold/Full Cold?
Warm Interior and Expel Cold
What does a patient look like with True Cold/Full Cold?
Cold limbs, profuse clear urine, strong intense abdominal pain, white limbs, abdomen, stringy white phlegm, nausea, diarrhea
Tongue: pale
Pulse: submerged (deep), thin (full and tight), slow
What does (internal) damp look like in a patient?
focal abdomen distention, nausea, vomit, diarrhea, jaundice, painful urinary dribbling, edema of lower extremities
What does (external) damp look like in a patient?
Chills and fever, feeling of distention in head, heaviness in body, stiffness and pain in joints
Hou po Magnolia Bark
Cang zhu Atractylodes
Are in what category?
Aromatic Transform Dampness
Jie gang platycodon
Ban Xia Pinellia
Are in what category?
Transform (cold) Phlegm
Which herb transforms phlegm and stops cough?
Xing ren Apricot Seed
Fu shen Poria
Fu ling Poria
Ze xie Alisma
Belong to what category?
Drain Damp
What drain damp herb is good for plantar warts?
Ze xie Alisma
Which Aromatic Transform Damp herb induces sweat and improves vision (night blindness)?
Cang zhu Atractylodes
Which Aromatic Transform Damp herb drys damp AND transforms phlegm AND calms wheezing?
Hou Po Magnolia
Which transform phlegm herb directs rebellious qi?
Ban xia Pinellia
Wu zhu yu Evodia
Rou gui cinnamon
Fu zi aconite
Gan jiang dried ginger
are in what category?
Warm Interior, Expel cold
Which warm interior, expel cold herb relieves Yang?
Fu zi Aconite
Which warm interior, expel cold herb redirects rebellious qi and stops diarrhea
Wu zhu yu Evodia
Which warm interior, expel cold herb rescues devastated Yang?
Gan jiang
Dried Ginger
These two herbs harmonize yin, yang, qi and blood. Stop pain, regulate SP and ST
Bai Shao Peony
Gui Zhi Cinnamon Twig
All star combo: One supplements while the other drains, combined they reinforce each other and supplement the spleen and dry damp
Bai Zhu Atractylodes
Fu Ling Poria
Which two all star herbs nourish LV and HT and tranquilize the heart
Bai zi ren biota seed
suan zao ren ziziphus seed
All star combo that moves qi and quickens blood. nourish the blood without producing stasis and stop pain by dispelling any stasis.
Chuan coing ligusticum
Dang gui angelica
All star combo that clear heat and transforms phlegm, disinhibits the throat
Gan Cao Licorice
Jie gang platycodon
All star combo: Move defensive qi and nourish constructive qi. Fortify the Spleen and harmonize middle jiao
Sheng jiang ginger
Da Zao Dates