Simulation theory Flashcards
Why are simulations useful? (3)
you can use them to really understand what is going on.
Furthermore, you can:
- Validate statistical models (cross-validation, bootstrapping)
- Estimate the precision of sample statistics (bootstrapping)
- Conduct significance testing (permutation test (aka exact test), randomisation test, re-randomisation test) by switching the y data round while x stays the same.
What is meant by parametric
and non-parametric bootstrapping?
Parametric bootstrap refers to sampling from an assumed theoretical distribution (e.g. null). Meanwhile non-parametric bootstrapping takes the form of resampling. However, bootstrapping can take many forms!
What is meant by chaos in statistics?
Parametric bootstrap refers to sampling from an assumed theoretical distribution (e.g. null). Meanwhile non-parametric bootstrapping takes the form of resampling. However, bootstrapping can take many forms!
What is meant by chaos in statistics?
Parametric bootstrap refers to sampling from an assumed theoretical distribution (e.g. null). Meanwhile non-parametric bootstrapping takes the form of resampling. However, bootstrapping can take many forms!
What is meant by chaos in statistics?
Parametric bootstrap refers to sampling from an assumed theoretical distribution (e.g. null). Meanwhile non-parametric bootstrapping takes the form of resampling. However, bootstrapping can take many forms!
Why is chaos theory not that useful in psychology?
We often have too much noise to find such effects
What is the behaviour of complex systems generally determined by?
Another aspect of complex systems is that, although they come in all shapes and sizes, generally the behaviour of complex systems is determined by the number and the types of stable and unstable equilibrium points (attractor landscape).
These landscapes are invariant (only quantitative changes) within certain ranges of control parameter values. At bifurcation points the landscapes change qualitatively (type and or number of attractors change)
Why do you have to think about the stable system of a state?
They are normally in some stable state and they change a little bit when you change the environment of the system or some external variables. With some changes in variables you can have a sudden change - a tipping to a new equilibrium state (e.g from 0 to 25 on the red line or 0 to 50 on the green line in the above graph.) Therefore when you think about a system you have to think about its stable state and how often they change.
How can these systems be visualised?
The behaviour of complex systems are characterised by the number of stable states, and their types. The former can be visualised with a bifurcation diagram.
What is meant by a catastrophe?
A sudden change in stable state is termed a catastrophe.
What is meant by hysteresis?
Complex systems often have to characteristic of hysteresis where different amounts of energy (analogy: activation energy) is required to switch stable state compared to when it previously changed.
Ice at 0 degrees jumps to the state of water, however water has a certain ‘lagging behind’ where it can get to -4 degrees until it jumps to the ice state and freezes. It only jumps from the current state when it cannot delay anymore; this property of phase transitions is called hysteresis.
What is meant by self organisation? Give an example
Spontaneous self-organisation can also be at times seen, where there are local rules resulting in global organisation. A process where some form of overall order arises from local interactions between parts of an initially disordered system. (birds, neurons)
What are meant by nodes and edges?
In networks, the measured variables are termed nodes and their connections as edges.
After analysis how are the weights matrix of the edges interpreted?
After analysis, the interpretation of the weights matrix of the edges are simplified by a number of measures offered:
- Betweenness (centrality) - # of shortest paths that go through the node
- Closeness (centrality) - inverse of sum of shortest paths of the node
- Degree (centrality) - sum of absolute input weights of the node
- Cluster measures (multiple algorithms)
What does factor models does G Theory assume?
Either multiple factors or higher order factor theory (e.g one factor causing the other factors)
What defines a dynamical system?
The value of the next timestep is the function of its previous number
e.g x(t+1) = r * x(t)
This is also a difference equation