Simulation & programming Flashcards
Work flow for robot sim and prog
Create CAD
Robot models
End effectors and peripheral
Calibrate (nominal data)
Iterate if needed
**Product Life-cycle Management **
The process of managing the
entire lifecycle of a product
from inception, through
engineering design and
manufacture, to serve and
disposal of manufactured
PLM integrated people, data,
processes and business
systems and provides a
production information
backbone for companies and
their extended enterprise
Using PLM for robotics
- Accelerate time to market
- Increase production and maximize resource utilization
- Standardize and reuse processes and resources
Static vs. Dynamic
Those models that are the representation of a system at a single point in time are
called static
A dynamic model describes the behaviour of the system through time
Deterministic vs. Stochastic
Deterministic simulation models are used when the random variation in the system
being modelled is not of concern because it does not affect the result and cannot
influence the decisions to be taken.
Those models that do not ignore random variation in the system being modeled are
called stochastic.
Continuous vs. Discrete
When the state of the modeled system changes continuously over time we have a
continuous model
In a discrete model the change occur only at separate points in time
Joint oriented programming
- Or “Joint-level” programming
- Recording joint values
- No knowledge about the Cartesian space (coordinate systems)
- Going between points without any regards to the trajectory
Robot oriented programming
Or “Robot-level” programming
* The most common approach in robot
* Work with coordinate systems
* Able to move on defined trajectories
between points (circles and lines) * Can be programmed in different coordinate
systems (base coordinate system, TCP or
user defined coordinate systems) * Normally developed by the robot
manufacturers (ex. RAPID-language for
Object oriented programming
First degree of the “high-level programming”
* The engineer knows about the geometry of
the objects to be assemblied; hence it is
intuitive to use symbolic spatial relations.
* The program consist only of events that are
specified on a geometrical level
* The system plans how to execute the events
* Need a model of the world, but the system
does not “know” about it
Process oriented programming
“Task-level” of high-level programming* The robot is given a start condition and an end condition
* Resembles instructions given to a human skilled worker. * Tasks to be executed by the robot is only
specified as process modules (drill hole 1)* The robot know by itself how to execute
each process and manages to reach the
goal by itself * Robot can be integrated with databases* Robot knows about the “World model
Goal oriented programming
* The robot understands the complete
* The only thing given is the start- and
end state
* Define roles that the system will
* Exists today in space applications
Another possibility of online programming is
the so called Play-Back procedure. Here the
robot is moved manually to the corresponding
position. This enables the operator to quickly
adapt to new activities and is an important
instrument in human-robot collaboration.
-Operation without
programming knowledge
-Enables simple humanrobot collaboration
-Production needs to be
stopped during programming
-Not applicable for all
Online programming takes place directly on
the shop floor. One possibility is programming
via a manual control unit (teach pendant). The
programmer or operator navigates the robot
with the operating device to a certain point.
his point is stored and the robot is guided to
the next point. After programming, the robot is
able to run the points as a path.
+ Operation without
programming knowledge
- Production needs to stop
during programming
3D-based prog
The motion sequence of the robot
is defined, simulated and optimized
in a three-dimensional screen
environment. Both the environment
of the robot and the tool can be
mapped. Common simulation
software is DELMIA Robotics from
Dassault Systèmes and
Tecnomatix from Siemens.
-can be done very early
in the planning process
-Robot is not needed
-Environment can be
mapped virtually
-Software required
-Exact environment often does not exist as virtual model
-The model needs to be calibrated
-To improve the path finding, the robot vendor software is
Textual coding
The robot is not required for offline
programming. Programming is done on
a computer independent of the robot.
One option for offline programming is
text programming. The following
overview shows the programming
languages of some robot
- Good documentation
- Easy to modify
- Robot is not needed
- Qualified programmer
-Almost every robot
manufacturer uses his own
- A PLC is an industrial digital computer which has been made robust and
adapted for the control of manufacturing processes and equipment - A PLC can process both digital and analog I/O
Why Virtual Commissioning (VC)?
Potential benefits include;
* Reduced on-site testing
* Reduced project lead time
* Reduced project costs
* Improved software quality
* Increase productivity
* Enable virtual training * Reduce Time To Market