Simplified P2 - Global Warming, Fuels for Power Flashcards
What happens to most wavelengths of radiation when they come into contact with the atmosphere?
Most wavelengths of radiation can pass right through the Earth’s atmosphere.
What happens to infra-red radiation in the Earth’s atmosphere?
infra-red radiation is absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere.
How can carbon dioxide naturally occur in the atmosphere?
- Natural Forest fires
- Volcanic Eruptions
- Decay of dead plant and animal matter
- Its escape from the Oceans
- Respiration
How is man made carbon dioxide caused?
Man made carbon dioxide is caused by:
- Burning Fossil fuels
- Cement manufacture
- Deforestation
What is the most significant greenhouse gas?
Water vapour is the most significant greenhouse gas.
How much of Water vapour is natural, and how much is man made?
- 0.001% comes from human activity
- Almost all of the water vapour occurs naturally
How much of the greenhouse effect is caused by water vapour?
- 1/2 of the greenhouse effect is caused by water vapour
- 1/4 is caused by clouds
How is methane produced?
Methane is produced when organic matter decomposes in an environment lacking oxygen.
What are some natural sources of methane?
- Wetlands
- Termites
- Oceans
What are some man made sources of methane?
- Burning of fossil fuels
- Digestive processes in animals: Cattle, pigs etc..
- Rice paddies
- Burying of waste in landfills.
What is the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation from the sun?
The electromagnetic radiation wavelength is very short.
How is the Earth Warmed?
Electromagnetic radiation from the sun has a relatively short wavelength, this radiation is absorbed by and warms the Earth.
The Earth then re-radiates the energy as infra-red radiation with a longer wavelength
What effects can dust in the atmosphere have on Earth?
- Smoke from factories can reflect radiation from the town back to Earth, the temperature will rise as a result.
- Volcano ash clouds reflect the radiation from the sun back into space. The temperature falls as a result.
What do scientists not agree about global warming?
Scientists do not agree about the extent to which human activity has contributed.
Why do we pay less for electricity during the night?
We pay for less electricity during the night because not as much as is needed, but it still has to be produced.
What factors can the choice of energy source depend on?
- Availability
- Ease of extraction
- Effect on the environment
- Associated Risks
What is the national grid?
The national grid is a series of transformers and power lines that transport electricity from the power station to the consumer
What do transformers stepping up help with?
- Reduced energy loss
- Reduced distribution cost
- Cheaper electricity for consumers.
What are transformers used for?
Stepping up voltage
Stepping down voltage
What happens to a wire current passes through it?
When a current passes through a wire it gets hot, the greater the current the hotter the wire.
Why is less energy lost to the environment when you use step up transformers?
- When a transformer increases the voltage, the current is reduced, which means that there is less heating effect and therefore less energy lost to the environment.