Sim/Scenarios Flashcards


Flight from BZN to SFO, good weather in BZN but some weather enroute and marine layers in SFO. Plenty of fuel for the whole flight and an alternate of SMF was provided. You are a new captain flying with a new FO that has just finished IOE.


Give a departure brief and what are some threats that you would include. Describe the reject criteria used on your current aircraft type. Getting up to cruise altitude you get a door warning message, what do you do? You are now on the approach into SFO, what is your stabilized approach criteria? You go down to minimums and don’t see anything, what do you do and what is your current go around procedure? On the go around ATC advises you that the airport is closed due to a security breach, what do you do and who do you talk to?

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First flight, first day, new crew. You’re a brand new captain, with an experienced FO, and experienced FAs. Asked HR rep to act as flight attendant. KLGA-KIAH 13 briefing items (all from memory - no visual cues) Threats: Me as new captain, NYC, congestion, short taxi Fuel Plan: KSAT as an alternate, and extra 6,000# of gas was added with Rev 1 Mx Status: Clean Jet, no MELs Previous write ups about a gen fault light, and a door message in flight, ops checked good Notams: Nothing applicable for Dep, Enroute, Landing, or Alternate Taxi/Hotspots: They allowed me to choose which runway to takeoff (so I chose Rwy 4 - right near the United terminal) No hotspots I told the “FO” let’s crank them both, and do all of our checklists after pushback, to give the flight attendants enough time in the back” Rejected Takeoff Criteria: Brief current companies RTO from memory. I broke the RTO down in simpler terms, so that I could include the HR woman Then brief exactly how you would complete the abort Evacuation: Brief exactly what you would do and how you would execute an abort, and exactly how you would conduct an evacuation. Brief current company procedure Dep Clearance: He said “you’re cleared as filed”. Dep Sid: None. Gave me runway heading to 3,000 Wx/Windshear: None.


KIAH was 1,000 / 2, light winds KSAT (alternate) same as IAH EFP: I said since we’re runway heading, let’s just keep that. He was cool with it Terrain/Obstacles: Manhattan to the southwest I said “I think MSA is 2,600” Overview of Flight: Takeoff uneventful, fast forward until about 30 mins from arrival, get a light for Gen 2 Fault Transfer aircraft controls to FO (if you’re flying) Run QRH, says to reset it, if it doesn’t then it says you can start the APU, I chose to do this. Contact dispatch/MX and see if they’re good with you continuing to Houston. Couple questions on a STAR: What is descend via What altitude would you set? Be sure to read the notes section Instrument Approach What is current company’s stable approach criteria? Vehicle crosses runway, have to go around, what is current companies go around procedures Airport shuts down after go around due to a security incident. I chose to go to Alternate. No issues, no fuel issues, landed uneventfully. Debrief: Debrief the flight using their model Chose top 2 CRM/TEM skills

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Technical portion was straightforward. They had me do a brief, and seemed to just want me to list what I would talk about (Wx, taxi, departure, engine failure procedures, etc) and not actually elaborate on each one. And then looked over a departure procedure.


Used the Trukn out of SFO and asked top altitude. Specifically chose a SID that I look at regularly. Then had a wing anti ice valve failure, opened QRH, and that was enough for the caution message procedure. Windshear at DEN, missed, holding, choose an alternate, and then what considerations for fuel planning.

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Brief DEN-IAH using your aircraft and the United briefing (format provided in technical interview study guide. They expect you to know their 13 briefing points in order). Then chair fly the flight– before takeoff ATIS changes and the winds are gusty with LLWAS, wwyd. On RNAV SID climbing via, ATC gives you a vector off course and nothing else, what altitude do you climb to? An hour out of IAH master caution: LEFT ENG FUEL FILTER BYPASS, run through QRH (I had dispatch add an alternate at this point, which wound up being helpful later). Descending on STAR, what is bottom altitude? You’re at FL350 need to cross fix ahead at FL220– when do you start down? On approach what is your stabilized approach criteria? Where do you configure/slow?


Tower calls a go-around because a security incident closes IAH, talk through go-around procedure on your aircraft. You hold. 6500 pounds of fuel on board, EFC 20 minutes, alternate 20min away. Plane burns 6000lbs/hr (100lbs/min). Divert. Iah reopens, they can get you in in less than 10 minutes, what do you do? I decided to go to IAH and he was happy with that (I think they just want to see you make a decision either way). Discuss everything with your FO (and of course with disp/mx/FAs when appropriate). Get to gate, debrief using crew critical self-critique format and incorporate the 7 CRM areas (also provided in prep packet)

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