Sim Exam 1 WRONG ANSWERS Flashcards
An auditor performs a search for unrecorded liabilities to ascertain that all payables have been recorded in the proper period. The search may be performed in each of the following areas except:
A. Significant payments prior to the end of the period. B. Unmatched invoices and unbilled receiving reports. C. Unbilled professional fees at the end of the period. D. Significant payments subsequent to the end of the period.
Choice “A” is correct. The search for unrecorded liabilities focuses on identifying items that should have been but were not included in the year-end payable balance. Payments made prior to year-end reflect items that are no longer liabilities.
Choice “B” is incorrect. Unmatched invoices and unbilled receiving reports may indicate that an unrecorded liability exists.
Choice “C” is incorrect. Unbilled professional fees may not be properly recorded as year-end liabilities.
Choice “D” is incorrect. Payments made subsequent to the end of the period may relate to liabilities in existence at year-end.
The auditor would not express an unmodified opinion in which of the following situations?
A. There has been a justifiable change in accounting principle inseparable from a change in accounting estimate, which the client has accounted for as a change in principle. B. There has been a justifiable change in accounting principle inseparable from a change in accounting estimate, which the client has accounted for as a change in estimate. C. There has been a justifiable change in the method of accounting for long-term contracts. D. There exists a remote chance that the client may lose substantial amounts in a lawsuit recently filed against the client.
Choice “A” is correct. A change in accounting principle that is inseparable from a change in estimate should be accounted for as change in estimate, not a change in principle. The client’s accounting constitutes a departure from GAAP.
Choice “B” is incorrect. A change in accounting principle that is inseparable from a change in estimate should be accounted for as change in estimate. The client’s accounting is appropriate.
Choice “C” is incorrect. A justifiable change in accounting principle does not affect the unmodified opinion.
Choice “D” is incorrect. Generally no disclosure is necessary for a remote loss contingency, so this situation would have no financial statement impact and no effect on the unmodified opinion.
. The accounts payable department should receive the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , to assure that the goods received agree with what was ordered, and that the company is being billed only for what was received.
purchase order, receiving report, and vendor invoice
Sales orders relate to the revenue cycle, and accounts payable would have no use for them. The treasurer should mail the signed check after it is signed; to send it to accounts payable (a recordkeeping department) would be an inappropriate segregation of duties.
Nissen, CPA, is a registered public accounting firm. Which situation is least likely to violate PCAOB independence standards?
A. Nissen provides non-audit services related to internal control to an audit client. B. Nissen accepts an engagement in which the engagement fee is dependent upon the results of the audit. C. Nissen provides tax services to the CEO of an audit client. D. Nissen provides tax services related to an aggressive tax transaction.
Choice “A” is correct. Non-audit services related to internal control must be communicated to the audit committee in writing, but they are not prohibited. The potential effects of the services should be discussed with the audit committee.
Choice “B” is incorrect. An engagement in which the fee is dependent upon the results of the audit (a contingent fee) is prohibited by PCAOB independence standards.
Choice “C” is incorrect. Registered public accounting firms may not provide any tax services to corporate officers of the audit client.
Choice “D” is incorrect. Registered public accounting firms may not provide to audit clients any tax services related to certain aggressive tax transactions.
A change in accounting principle that is inseparable from a change in estimate should be accounted for as change in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
estimate, not a change in principle.
An auditor notes that retained earnings includes an amount appropriated in accordance with a loan covenant. Which procedures would the auditor use to audit retained earnings?
Trace dividend declarations to appropriate authorization by management.
Analyze the retained earnings account since the last audit.
Use a standard bank confirmation to confirm the amount appropriated.
A. II only. B. I and III, only. C. II and III, only. D. I, II, and III.
Choice “A” is correct. Statement II is true. The auditor should analyze the retained earnings account since the last audit. Generally this is fairly easy to do, since there are not very many direct entries to retained earnings. Statement I is false because dividends should be approved by the board of directors, not by management. Statement III is false because appropriations represent restrictions on the amount that can be paid as dividends, not a segregation of actual cash funds, so the bank would be unable to confirm appropriation amounts.
Choices “D”, “B”, and “C” are incorrect, based on the above explanation.
What’s the dofference between an appropriation and a segregation?
APPROPRIATION - Same acct. Done on the fin stmt level. Bank does not have knowledge.
SEGREGATION - Seperation of actual funds at bank level.
Actions for many vs few #’s of transactions.
Many - Focus on ending Balance.
Few - Look @ each trasaction
Disclosure of fraud to parties other than a client’s senior management, those charged with governance, or its board of directors ordinarily is not part of an auditor’s responsibility. However, to which of the following outside parties may a duty to disclose irregularities exist?
To the SEC when the client reports an auditor change
To a successor auditor when the successor makes appropriate inquiries
To a government funding agency from which the client receives financial
A. Yes
B. Yes
C. No
D. Yes
Choice “B” is correct. The accountant may have a duty to disclose irregularities to all of the following outside parties:
Yes - The SEC when the client reports an auditor change.
Yes - A successor auditor when the successor makes appropriate inquiries.
Yes - A government funding agency from which the client receives financial assistance.
Choices “A”, “D”, and “C” are incorrect, based on the above exp
Approving timesheets is an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ function, which should be seperated from __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
custody of assets (i.e., the payroll checks).
In confirming a client’s accounts receivable in prior years, an auditor found that there were many differences between the recorded account balances and the confirmation replies. These differences, which were not misstatements, required substantial time to resolve. In defining the sampling unit for the current year’s audit, the auditor most likely would choose:
A. Individual overdue balances. B. Individual invoices. C. Small account balances. D. Large account balances.
Choice “B” is correct. The auditor should consider the nature of the information requested when determining the sampling unit for the current year audit. Certain respondents’ accounting systems may facilitate the confirmation of single transactions rather than of entire balances.
Choice “A” is incorrect. The auditor would not limit the population to overdue balances, since current balances can also be misstated.
Choices “C” and “D” are incorrect. Defining the sampling unit based on account size would not address the problem that caused differences during the prior year.
Which of the following is a communication requirement with respect to registered audit firms?
A. Registered firms must report to the audit committee the critical accounting policies and practices used. B. Registered firms must provide a copy of the firm's quality control policies and procedures to management and the audit committee. C. Registered firms must report to the internal audit manager any alternative accounting treatments discussed with management. D. Registered firms must provide to management a schedule of unadjusted audit differences.
Choice “A” is correct. Registered firms must report to the audit committee the critical accounting policies and practices used.
Choice “B” is incorrect. There is no requirement that registered firms provide a copy of the firm’s quality control policies and procedures to management and the audit committee. However, the registered firm is required to provide a written statement regarding their independence to the audit committee.
Choice “C” is incorrect. Registered firms must report to the audit committee (not to the internal audit manager) any alternative accounting treatments discussed with management.
Choice “D” is incorrect. Registered firms must provide to the audit committee (not to management) a schedule of unadjusted audit differences.
Which of the following would least likely be part of an auditor’s procedures with respect to fair values?
A. Develop an independent fair value estimate. B. Review subsequent events occurring after completion of the audit for evidence regarding fair value measurements as of the balance sheet date. C. Obtain management representations relating to intent and ability to carry out planned courses of action. D. Evaluate the appropriateness of the valuation model used by management.
Choice “B” is correct. Events occurring after the balance-sheet date may provide audit evidence regarding year-end fair value measurements, but the auditor is only responsible for evaluating such events if they occur prior to the date of the auditor’s report. The auditor would not continue to review subsequent events once the audit has been completed.
Choice “A” is incorrect. The auditor may develop an independent fair value estimate as a means of corroborating management’s estimate.
Choice “C” is incorrect. The auditor should obtain management representations relating to intent and ability to carry out planned courses of action.
Choice “D” is incorrect. The auditor should evaluate the appropriateness of the valuation model used by management.
Which of the following circumstances requires modification of the accountant’s report on a review of interim financial information of a publicly held entity prepared on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles?
A. An uncertainty, lack of adherence to generally accepted accounting principles, and lack of adequate disclosure. B. Lack of adherence to generally accepted accounting principles and lack of adequate disclosure. C. None of the following: an uncertainty, an accounting change, lack of adherence to generally accepted accounting principles, lack of adequate disclosure. D. An accounting change, lack of adequate disclosure, and lack of adherence to generally accepted accounting principles.
Choice “B” is correct. Departures from GAAP (including inadequate disclosure) require modification of the review report.
Choice “A” is incorrect. Uncertainties and accounting changes do not require report modifications, as long as disclosure is adequate.
Choice “C” is incorrect. Departures from GAAP (including inadequate disclosure) require modification of the review report.
Choice “D” is incorrect. Accounting changes do not require report modifications, as long as disclosure is adequate.
What is important when looking for a December 31 cash transfer mistatement?
When the deposit was received in books
When disburesement was recorded in books.
(Look for different years)
Which of the following is the most likely sequence of events an auditor might follow in considering internal control?
A. An auditor performs tests of controls first, using the knowledge obtained from those tests to develop an understanding of internal control. B. An auditor performs substantive tests prior to tests of controls, because a large number of substantive errors may help the auditor identify areas of weakness. C. An auditor performs tests of controls at the same time that he or she is obtaining an understanding of internal control, because it may be more efficient to do so. D. An auditor performs additional tests of controls after the detailed substantive testing has been completed, because it may be more efficient to do so.
Choice “C” is correct. An auditor may choose to perform tests of controls at the same time that he or she is obtaining an understanding of internal control, because it may be more efficient to do so.
Choice “A” is incorrect. The auditor generally would obtain an understanding of how internal control works first, to better be able to design appropriate tests of controls. While it is also acceptable to perform some tests of controls concurrently with obtaining an understanding of internal control, test of controls would not be performed prior to obtaining that understanding.
Choice “B” is incorrect. The auditor uses his or her understanding of internal control, as well as the results of any tests of controls, to determine the nature, timing, and extent of substantive tests.
Choice “D” is incorrect. Tests of controls are generally performed before substantive testing, as the assessed level of control risk is used to determine the nature, timing, and extent of substantive tests.
What is the correct order for test of controls, understinding of controls, and substantive testing?
NOTE: For efficienct understanding and test of controls may be done at same time, but substantive tests are ALWAYS done after.
Tests of controls are generally performed before substantive testing, as the assessed level of control risk is used to determine the nature, timing, and extent of substantive tests.
An auditor may choose to perform tests of controls at the same time that he or she is obtaining an understanding of internal control, because it may be more efficient to do so.
The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct includes which of the following as discreditable acts?
Failure to return client records upon request
Negligence in preparing client records
Failure to file a personal tax return on a timely basis
A. II and III, only. B. I, II, and III. C. I and II, only. D. I and III, only.
Choice “B” is correct. Failure to return client records upon request, negligence in preparing client records, and failure to file a personal tax return on a timely basis are all considered to be acts discreditable to the profession.
Choices “C”, “D”, and “A” are incorrect, based on the above explanation.
While performing the current audit, the auditor gathers several types of evidence, including:
1 An accounts receivable confirmation sent to the auditor
2 Oral statements from the client regarding a transaction
3 The results of an auditor’s physical inspection of the client’s original documents
4 A monthly bank statement provided by the client
Which of the following is the correct hierarchy of audit evidence (from most to least reliable)?
- Auditor’s direct personal knowledge (auditor’s physical inspection of documents)
- External evidence directly received by auditor (accounts receivable confirmations received by auditor)
- External evidence received and held by client (a monthly bank statement)
- Oral evidence (oral statements from a client regarding a transaction)
It should be noted that while internal evidence is not one of the answer choices in the scenario above, it would be considered more reliable than oral evidence but less reliable than external evidence.
An auditor is conducting an attribute sampling application to test the effectiveness of a particular control. The following rates have been determined:
Sample deviation rate:
Tolerable deviation rate:
Allowance for sampling risk:
Which of the following is true?
A. Since the tolerable deviation rate plus the allowance for sampling risk exceeds the sample deviation rate, the auditor may not rely on the control. B. Since the tolerable deviation rate exceeds the sample deviation rate, the auditor may rely on the control. C. Since the sample deviation rate exceeds the tolerable deviation rate less the allowance for sampling risk, the auditor may rely on the control. D. Since the tolerable deviation rate less the allowance for sampling risk is less than the sample deviation rate, the auditor may not rely on the control.
Choice “D” is correct. A control cannot be relied upon when:
sample deviation rate (S) + allowance for sampling risk (A) > = tolerable deviation rate (T)
This can be restated as S > = T − A , which is what this option describes.
Choice “A” is incorrect. The sum of the tolerable deviation rate plus the allowance for sampling risk (T + A) is not a part of the proper equation, which compares S + A to T, nor can an algebraic manipulation be used to restate it in this format.
Choice “B” is incorrect. The sample deviation rate should not be compared to the tolerable deviation rate without an adjustment for sampling risk.
Choice “C” is incorrect. This option states that S > = T − A, which is true; however, it goes on to conclude that the control may be relied upon, which is false.
What are the PPS sampling formulas for Sampling interval and Sample size?
Sampling Interval = Total mistatement / Reliability Factor
Sample Size = Recorded amt of population (dollar value) / Sampling Interval
Jonah, CPA is auditing the cash receipts area of Wildwood Widgets, Inc. Jonah notes that incoming cash receipts are listed in detail, and three copies of this list are made. One copy is sent to the cashier along with the actual cash receipts, one is sent to the accounts receivable department along with the remittance advices, and one is sent to the accounting department. Which of the following is true about this distribution of information?
A. It is unnecessary duplication to send copies to both the accounts receivable department and the accounting department. B. A fourth copy should also be made and sent to the treasurer’s department, for use when the bank deposit is prepared. C. It is appropriate because it allows several levels of comparison and reconciliation, and there is no need for additional copies to be sent elsewhere. D. Sending a copy to the accounts receivable department constitutes an improper segregation of duties.
Choice “C” is correct. It is appropriate to distribute the cash receipts list in this manner, as it allows several levels of comparison and reconciliation. For example, the cashier can compare the actual receipts to the list before making the deposit. In addition, the accounts receivable control account and the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger can be posted separately and reconciled periodically. There is generally no need for additional copies beyond these three to be distributed.
Choice “A” is incorrect. The accounts receivable department can use this list and the remittance advices to reduce individual customer accounts. The accounting department can reduce the accounts receivable control account by the total amount. Periodic reconciliations between the subsidiary ledger and the control account can then be performed, which should identify any discrepancies.
Choice “B” is incorrect. There is no reason to send a copy to the treasurer, since the cashier is responsible for preparing the deposit.
Choice “D” is incorrect. It is appropriate to send a copy to the accounts receivable department. There is no violation of segregation of duties, since this is a recordkeeping function and does not involve authorization or access to assets.
Which is not true about major programs?
A. Determination of major programs is based on management selection. B. A program may be deemed to be major if the auditor has not met minimum audit guidelines in terms of the percentage of coverage of the audit. C. The auditor is required to report on compliance and on internal control over compliance related to each major program. D. Major programs are subject to both general and specific compliance requirements.
Choice “A” is correct. Major programs are determined by the auditor using a “risk-based approach”, not by management.
Choice “B” is incorrect. A program may be deemed to be major if the auditor has not met minimum audit guidelines in terms of the percentage of coverage of the audit.
Choice “C” is incorrect. The auditor is required to report on compliance and on internal control over compliance related to each major program.
Choice “D” is incorrect. Major programs are subject to both general and specific compliance requirements.
Which of the following best describes the auditor’s responsibility with respect to Statements on Auditing Standards (SASs)?
A. The auditor should have sufficient knowledge of the SASs to identify relevant provisions, and may not depart from such provisions. B. The auditor should have sufficient knowledge of the SASs to identify relevant provisions, may not depart from such provisions, and must clearly indicate the relevant SAS section and paragraph numbers within the audit documentation. C. The auditor should have sufficient knowledge of the SASs to identify relevant provisions, should be prepared to justify any departures from such provisions, and must clearly indicate the relevant SAS section and paragraph numbers within the audit documentation. D. The auditor should have sufficient knowledge of the SASs to identify relevant provisions, and should be prepared to justify any departures from such provisions.
Choice “D” is correct. The auditor should have sufficient knowledge of the SASs to identify relevant provisions, and should be prepared to justify any departures from such provisions. There is no requirement that the audit documentation include SAS section and paragraph numbers.
Choice “A” is incorrect. The auditor should have sufficient knowledge of the SASs to identify relevant provisions, however, in some cases, departure may be justified. The auditor should be prepared to justify any departures from such provisions.
Choice “B” is incorrect. The auditor should have sufficient knowledge of the SASs to identify relevant provisions, however, in some cases, departure may be justified. The auditor should be prepared to justify any departures from such provisions. Additionally, there is no requirement that the audit documentation include references to SAS section and paragraph numbers.
Choice “C” is incorrect. The auditor should have sufficient knowledge of the SASs to identify relevant provisions, however, there is no requirement that the audit documentation include references to SAS section and paragraph numbers.