Silicon carbon structure Flashcards
How does SiC exist?
~ in ~250 crystalline forms
~ structure is based on highly covalent sp3 hybrid tetrahedral coordination
~ all crystalline forms but one are α-SiC
What are the α and β polymorphs?
~ β modification adopts a zinc blende crystal structure similar to diamond; forms below 1700C
~ all α modifications form above 1700C and have hexagonal crystal structures; metastable at room temp
~ α polymorphs are based on the pattern of stacking layers, ex: 2H, 4H, 6H, 8H, 15R (H: hexagonal, R: rhombohedral)
What is the history of SiC?
~ SiC (moissanite) in nature is extremely rare, found in meteorites
~ first synthesized by EJ Acheson, who intended to form artificial diamonds
–> clay and powdered carbon were heated in an iron bowl via an electric arc to >1600
–> the hard crystals that formed upon cooling were originally thought to be a carbon-aluminum compound coined carborundum, still used as a name for abrasive and refractory grades of SiC
–> production method devised by Acheson has been largely unchanged
–> he founded carborundum corp
What’s the first step to SiC synthesis?
- electrodes are buried below a rxn mass of mixed silica (quartz sand) and carbon (petroleum coke) powder
What is the second step to SiC synthesis?
- heating to 1600-2000C for 36hours yields the net endothermic rxn: SiO2 + 3C = SiC + 2CO
–> gaseous intermediate products facilitate reactant transport and interaction
–> exiting CO2 is collected and transferred through pipelines to a power station and burned (20% energy savings)
What is the third step to SiC synthesis?
- concentric radial layers develop: graphite electrode at center, then α-SiC (coarse crystalline structure), then β-SiC metallurgical grade, and finally un-reacted material on the outside, which can be recycled
–> metallurgical grade SiC is used as a batch additive for electric furnace production of cast iron
What is the fourth step to SiC synthesis?
~ intensive milling in an attrition or jet mill is required to form sinter-grade α-SiC powders
~ vapor phase techniques produce high purity fine powders: SiCl4 + CH4 –> SiC + HCl
~ commercially produced SiC powder sustains an oxide coating; the oxide content of the powder increases with decreasing particle size