Partially stabilized zirconia Flashcards
How is the composition and sintering temperature chosen for PSZ? For Mg-PSZ?
~ selected close to the solvus curve (cubic SS/cubic SS + tetragonal) in the cubic SS single phase field
~ for Mg-PSZ, the higher MgO content, the lower the sintering and stabilizing temp can be
What happens after sintering PSZ?
~ the sintered ceramic is quenched to retain cubic structure metastably at room temp (though very small 5-10nm tetragonal nuclei form within the cubic grains)
What happens after quenching?
~ it is re-heated to an isothermal aging temperature (ex: 1400-1500C for Mg-PSZ)
~ tetragonal SS (MgO-deficient) lens-shaped crystals (oblate spheroids ~0.25 um) grow from the nuclei (and coarsen via ostwald ripening) within the 40-70um cubic SS grains
What is the difference between MgO-deficient tetragonal SS and the matrix cubic SS phase?
~ more MgO deficient tetragonal SS is more metastable at room temp than matrix cubic SS phase
What causes strengthening?
~ reduced sensitivity to stress intensification at crack tips ==> increased fracture toughness
What is Kic?
~ fracture toughness/critical stress intensity factor, indicator of a brittle material’s resistance to fracture because of crack tip intensification
~ Kic = Bσfsqrt(c)
~ σf = stress at fracture
~ c = crack length
~ B: constant
What is the relationship between fracture toughness and crack length?
~ larger the crack length for a given fracture strength, the higher the fracture toughness
How is fracture toughness measured?
~ can be measured through fracture tests on specimens with intentionally-machined cracks, or calculated from cracks extending from the corners of harness indentations
What is stress induced transformation toughening in PSZ?
~ transformation of the metastable tetragonal oblate spheroids to monoclinic, and its associated volume expansion, is inhibited during cooling from the aging temp via constraint from the surrounding cubic phase
What happens with an external tensile stress?
~ if it causes an existing crack to extend, the intensified tensile stress field ahead of the crack RELAXES the compressive constraint of the matrix phase
~ this induces the oblate spheroids ahead of the crack tip to transform from tetragonal to MONOCLINIC
~ associated volume expansion puts the region ahead of the crack in compression (or less tension). Further, transformed particles in the wake of the crack tip act to squeeze the crack. Both impose a requirement for increased external stress to further propagate the crack
What’s the relationship between thermodynamic driving force for t–>m transformation and oblate spheroid size?
~ the thermodynamic driving force for the tetragonal –> monoclinic transformation increases with increasing oblate spheroid size
~ thermodynamic driving force for t–>m transformation decreases with increasing temp (temp at which tetragonal is the stable phase is being approached), requiring higher local stress to induce the transformation
~ leads to smaller transformation zone width and a degraded transformation toughening contribution
What ideally happens during aging?
~ the tetragonal oblate spheroids are coarsened to a size just below that necessary for spontaneous t–>m transformation during cooling, so the transformation is reserved to occur when tensile stress-induced
What’s the result of over-aging?
~ results in spontaneous transformation during cooling from the aging temp, with a LOSS in fracture toughening
~ optimum aging times vary with stabilizer content
~ PSZ which has been aged to yield max fracture toughness at room temp shows a decreased fracture toughening with increasing temp
What is the effect of Y2O3 addition to ZrO2?
~ LOWERS the equilibrium t–>m TRANSF TEMP; this lowers the thermodynamic driving force for the t–>m transformation of metastable tetragonal SS at room temp (as compared to Mg-PSZ), permitting larger oblate spheroids to remain metastable at room temp
~ requires a less stringent aging heat treatment schedule
What’s the effect of CaO concentration in Ca-PSZ?
~ higher CaO concentrations degrade the max fracture strength, since tetragonal oblate spheroids of all sizes become too stable to transform to monoclinic under the tensile stress near a crack tip
What’s relationship between fracture toughness of Ca-PSZ and temp?
~ decrease in fracture toughness of Ca-PSZ with increase temp
~ with increased temp, % of oblate spheroids on fracture surfaces transformed to monoclinic decreases
~ with increased temp, the distance perpendicularly away from the fracture surface that has demonstrated stress induced tetragonal to monoclinic transformation decreases