SILICA Flashcards
is a natural compound of silicon and
oxygen and has a white powdery substance.
Silica or Silicon oxide (SiO2)
It occurs as mineral
quartz in various forms such as the following:
veins and lensed of bull quartz
cobbles or boulders
siliceous clays
derived from the weathering of sandstone,
quartzose, schists, and quartz diorite
quartz sand
occurs as pegmatite dikes and/or small lenses in Mesozoic rocks
bull quartz
Silica total world production
335 million MT
United states SIlica
121 million MT
PH total silica sand reserve
574.391 million MT
PH silica sand resource
68.925 million MT
manufacture of glass containers and lamp chimneys
sheet glass
glass envelope for electric bulbs
sodium silicate
cleanser and abrasive
additive in manufacture of portland cement
sanitary wares and flint glass containers
anti-caking agent