BARITE Flashcards
Primary ore for Barium
Greek word for Barite
_____ spar
Commonly _____ and _____
colorless, white
Translucent to _____
Individual crystals are often _____
Barite world resource
2 billion tons
Barite identified resources
740 million
identified resources are estimated to be 150 million tons
United States
Total production of Barite from 1973 to 2002
57, 648 MT (PHP 27, 978,560)
Total Estimated reserves
163,320 MT
Region IV local occurrence
- Batangas-Lobo
- Mindoro Oriental-Mansalay
- Production of barium compounds
- Glass industry
- Inert filter in oilcloth, paper, linoleum, and plastic
- Pigment or extender in paints
- Weighing agent in drilling muds
A typical gangue mineral found in hydrothermal veins and connected to veins of _____ ore.
Mining method
- Surface by open pit mining
- Underground mining
Crushing, screening, and jigging are steps in the
process of gravity-separating barite. The high-quality (above 80%) concentrate will then
be created.
Gravity separation
Barite ore used in barium-based medicine, which requires low iron barite, is often beneficiated by wet magnetic separation from some iron-bearing minerals, such as siderite.
Magnetic Separation
The flotation process is for barite that has fine particle size and gravity tailings. To float the barite ore, either an anionic collector, such as fatty acid alkyl sulfate or alkyl sulfonate, or a cationic collector, such as an amide collector, is used.
- strike N40°E and dip 30°SE
- These veins were 0.50 to 1.20 m wide
with 84 percent BaSO4 and with small
amount of gold.
Taoga Deposit
1.20 to 1.60 m wide and more than 90m long with barite veins striking N20° E, dipping 70° to the northwest.
Mansiol Point deposit
10 m x 15 m, with barite boulders scattered around the ridges. The deposit is white to light gray, fine-grained, and friable with a specific gravity of 4.6
Kupand deposit