Silent Film Flashcards
Who directed Sunrise? What year?
F.W.Murneau, in 1927
What else have they made?
What is German Expressionism?
An artistic movement originating in 1920s Germany, started as a Film Movement and branched out later into all areas of art worldwide. Forms derived from reality are distorted+ exaggerated for emotive purposes.
Why/ how was German Expressionism created?
During the Weimar Republic in Germany, Post- WW1, they lost and were economically destroyed. Inflation, anarchy and collapse. People’s aim was to make sense of the horror they were experiencing nationwide, to express what they were feeling inside in an artistic and meaningful way, because they were feeling only negative and devastating emotions that influenced the style greatly, to be a thing of darkness.
5 characteristics of German Expressionism ?
Use of shadows/ silhouettes to dehumanise/ distort people
High-contrast makeup, white base and dark eye makeup
Chiaroscuro lighting, also high- contrast, Italian technique, dark vs light, very few mid-tones
Impossible sets that defy the laws of physics
Close-up shots/ vignetting to isolate a person
When was the first “talky” film, why is this significant?
1927, the same year Sunrise was made, meaning it could have been a talky, Murneau intentionally made it silent for stylistic purposes.
What is expressive cinema?
Cinema / films and movies which aim to communicate something visceral/ emotional/ an inner feeling through all aspects of film form, often symbolic and intentional.
What Magazine did Bazin found? What were his views?
Cahiers Du Cinema, he was a realist. He felt that expressionism/ symbolism was manipulative and misleading, that an audience shouldn’t be influenced to think or feel any particular. They should have room to decide everything for themselves, so films should be close to reality as possible.
What film form choices would reflect a realist’s approach?
Static/stationary camera shots
Natural/ historically accurate costume and makeup
No close-ups, lots of establishing shots, gives whole picture, doesn’t draw our attention to anything in particular.
Linear narrative - continuity editing
What is an issue with Bazin’s ideology?
Doesn’t leave much room for artistic freedom, more rules to follow which isn’t what making cinema is about for most people.
What is the Specialist Area/ paper info for Sunrise?
Critical debate- The Realist and The Expressive
20 Mark Question- 37 minutes
Argue wether you think it’s an expressive film or a realist film
Intro, key sequence + 3 examples arguing point, another key sequence + 3 examples arguing opposite point, conclusion.
Explain the context to the making of Sunrise?
Murneau was a German film director, however the film was made in America. William Fox, head of 20th century fox invited him to Hollywood to make the film with free reign. It wonr 2 Oscar’s.
What is Melodrama?
Relatable, believable life elements which are heightened and intensified to the most extreme extent. Was initially a theatrical genre, involves sensational dramatic narratives, influenced early American silent film directors greatly.
What does Mulvey say about Melodrama? Why is this significant?
She argues it’s excitement comes from “conflict not between enemies, but between blood or love”
Also felt it favoured the domestic side of things, often siding with women/ feminine roles in films. This is significant to Sunrise as that is what happens with the wife, we have empathy for her as she is the victim/ the one being deceived. The innocent, maternal, loving figure at home.
Opening sequence- analyse this shot. What genre does it reflect?
Editing- Vignette around him, expressionist film technique, he hears his mistress whistle and becomes anxious, turns in on himself, inner- world shown, he feels trapped and is suffocated in the shot.
Performance - head bowed, hand in his pocket, other rubbing his head/ face/ neck, anxious mannerisms, he is panicking, doesn’t want his wife to find out.
Mise en Scene - dark lighting, simple black/ white costume, face/ hand highlighted, Chiaroscuro.
Cinematography- mid-shot, our focus is on him.
Reflects German Expressionism.
Opening sequence- Analyse this shot? What genre does it Reflect?
Performance- she walks into shot, active character, has the power, she pulls him away from wife, she is the active and conscious force/ villain, lights a cigarette on a candle, unusual and seductive, a dramatic way of performing a simple task
Mise en Scene - Costume, low-cut plunging neckline, sexual, messy short dark hair, a cami underneath a robe, mistress/ suggestive attire. Eye makeup+ lipstick.
Props/set- single high -heel in back of the shot, an overtly feminine object of confidence and fashion.
Reflects Melodrama, archetypical mistress, shows her as a negative energy/ figure of temptation, she’s flamboyant and present. We feel bad for the wife.
Opening sequence - analyse this shot, what genre does it reflect?
Editing - shot overlay, film layered together to make a blend of two pictures, expressionism silent film technique to distort what we’re seeing/ distort time and space/ reality in this shot
Mise en Scene - young woman in a swimsuit, people running on a beach, large boat/ yacht, American dream and increase in Industrialisation, German directors view on America?
Reflects German Expressionism- abstract shot outside of logic, there to represent something
Opening sequence- Analyse this shot, what Genre does it reflect?
Reflects American melodrama. Depiction of a nuclear family, use of set and props, under a tree, cow, baby dressed in white, loving couple. Melodrama favours the domestics. Editing- melodrama also often have flashbacks, this is a flashback, and is to the extremist extent. A domestic environment in a rural area, with a family all cuddling, with a pet cow for their farm, it’s stereotypical and very archetypical, builds image of the past and we detest the husband for ruining things. Lighting, brighter shot, reflects happier times.
What about the opening sequence favours the Realism Genre.
For the most part follows continuity editing, we’re introduced to the town and the family. Wife is preparing dinner, husband hears his mistress whistle, goes to meet her, wife is sad, had sex with mistress, they hatch a plan to kill the wife and run away together, he returns home.
Opening scene - Analyse this shot, what genre does it reflect?
Reflects expressionism. Chiaroscuro, presence of the moon between them in the shot, indicates that they only love each other in the dark, lies and secrets, their love isn’t built on light or genuineness, only deception and sex. Cinematic theatrical blocking, on opposite sides of the shot facing each other, symbolic. They meet in the marshes- setting. Costume, they both wear brown/ black, she has heavy eye makeup on and smiles gleefully, he stands hunched looking at her in apprehension.
Redemption sequence - Analyse this shot?
Reflects Realism Genre. Cinematography-establishing shot of an urban American city, get whole picture, can observe unbiased, eye not being drawn to anything in particular. Sets the scene well for the following sequence, makes audience feel more a part of the world in the film.
Redemption Sequence- Analyse this shot?
Expressionism- Mise en scene- shadows cast on his body+ face, he’s shrouded in guilt, will do anything to win her back. Costume- hair is messy, dark suit creased, brow furrowed, like a young boy with a crush, she is highlighted in bright lighting, bonnet and light dress, hair does up neatly. Binary opposite of dark + light, victim / prey. Flowers, symbol of love and fertility, light shining on them, chiaroscuro.
Melodrama- He holds a bouquet of flowers to her+ his wedding ring is visible. Domestic items, foreshadowing their symbolic vow renewal that is to come/ rebirth into the marriage. Sound- off-screen diagetic wedding church bells ringing in the background, also foreshadowing. Favouring the domestic, and the most dramatic way of trying to amend a marriage/ win a woman back.
Redemption sequence - Analyse this shot?
Expressionism- Cinematography- close-up shot, focus is on him and his emotion. Performance- tears in his eyes, making them sparkle with regret and realisation, furrowed brow, mouth slightly open as if on the verge of a whimper. Dark background with highlights on his face and hair, displays inner emotions and experience in this moment.
Redemption sequence- Analyse this shot?
Performance- maternal figure,she holds him in her arms like a young boy comforts them, roles have reversed, now he is distraught. Setting- pews of a church witnessing a wedding.
Mise En Scene- again the motif of white and black, dark and light on the man and wife. She a pure and forgiving energy.
Black background, white text title cards- silent film technique, vows of the wedding they’re witnessing, editorial choice to have these as we don’t need these for the plot, they remind us and the couple of what’s important, love.
Redemption sequence- Analyse this shot?
Cinematography- mid - shot, they’re in the centre of the shot, they feel as though they’re in the centre of the universe. Green screen- bustle and chaos builds around them, they stop traffic and carriages, extreme devotion. Dramatic scene, the most In love anyone can be with each other is to the point where they aren’t aware of anything else, and here, they take this literally, making for a comedic scene.
Reflects melodrama.