Signs Of Pregnancy, GTPAL Flashcards
Probable Signs of Pregnancy
Poitive preg test
Return of fetus whn tapped (ballottement)
Outline of fetus palpable
Braxton Hicks
A softening of cervix (Goodell’s signs)P
Bluish color to cervix (Chadwick’s sign)
Lower uterine segment softens (Hegar’s sign)
Enlarged uterus
Positive signs of Pregnancy
Fetal movements by HCP
Ultrasound of fetus
How to determine estimated due date
Naegele’s rule
1st day of last menstrual period + 7 days - 3 months + 1 yr = _________
What does GTPAL stand for
Gravidity — number of pregnancies, including the current one, twins only count once
Term — pregnancies carried to term. 37 weeks gestation, twins only count once
Preterm — preterm births, betwen 20 and 36+6 weeks gestation, twins count only once
Abortions — abortions PRIOR 19+6 weeks (*miscarriages, *elective termination); if abortion or miscarriage was after 20 weeks gestation, it is included under P
Living Children — current number of alive children, twins count twice
this is when the pelvic joints become stiff or move unevenly. Can occur at the front of the pubic bone, perineum or the lower back. It hurts and causes severe dysfunction!
Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD)-Also known as pelvic girdle pain
Extreme ‘morning sickness’ ● INTENSE, intractable,
nausea AND vomiting during pregnancy
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
- nausea may cause vomiting
- nausea that subsides around 20 weeks
- vomiting does not cause dehydration
- can keep some food down
Morning Sickness
- nausea with excessive, persistent vomiting
- nausea & vomiting does not subside
- severe vomiting that can cause dehydration, weight loss, electrolyte imbalances
- cannot keep any food down
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
When Blood pressure >140/90
○ 2 times
○ 4 hrs apart
> 20 weeks gestation
- there is protein in urine
- leads to seizures
Risk Factors for PreEclampsia
● Multiple fetuses ● Chronic HTN ● Gestational HTN ● Obesity ● Increased age ● African American ethnicity ● FH of PreE ● Prior PreE in previous pregnancy ● DM Type 1 and 2, GDM ● Use of in vitro fertilization ● Autoimmune disorders ● Kidney disease
What are signs and symptoms of preEclampsia
Increased BP
Weight gain
Facial puffiness
Pedal edema
Therapeutic management of pre-eclampsia
● Delivery
● Prepare for a preterm baby
○ Mag sulfate → prevent seizures in mom
○ Betamethasone → Help develop baby’s lungs
● Antihypertensives…..
What are antihypertensives to give during pregnancy
- Labetalol
- Nifedipine
- Hydralazine
What are antihypertensives NOT to give during pregnancy
- ACE -INHIBITORS (-prils)
- ARBS - can cause oligohydramnios, fetal growth restriction, and more! (-artan)
What are the Classic Triad of PreEclampsia
- Rising BP
- Proteinuria
- Edema
Parameters on when to develop with preeclampsia
● PreE without severe features: Delivery at or above 37 weeks gestation. ● PreE with severe features: Delivery at or above 34 weeks gestation.
● Eclampsia: Delivery is ideally not until 34 weeks, but if mother is not
tolerating, delivery can be indicated before 34 weeks.
● HELLP Syndrome: ASAP!!