significant character quotes Flashcards
how does claudius describe the memory of his brothers death
the memory be green
what does claudius say insinuating that they should look happily to the future but still mourn the king
with one auspicious and one dropping eye
how does cluadious describe hamlets grieving as stubbornness
to persevere in obstinate condolement is a course of impious stubborness
what comparison does hamlet use to compare claudius to his brother
my fathers brother but no more like my father than i to hercules
how does hamlet compare claudius kingship to the old king
so excellent a king that was to this hyperion to a satry
what quote shows the reveal of how the king died
a serpent stung me.. the serpent that did sting thy fathers life now wears his crown
what pair of quotes reveals the ghost was right
the plays the thing wherein ill catch the conscience of the king
the king rises
what quote shows cluadius’ feeling of guilt
this cursed hand were thicker than itself with brother blood, is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens to wash it white as snow
what quote shows claudius has no intention to repent
‘forgive me my foul murder’? that cannot be since im still possessed of those effects for which i did the murder
how does hamlet describe claudius to gertrude trying to get her to see clearly
here is your husband like a mildewed ear blasting his wholesome brother. have you eyes?
what quote shows hamlets torn soul
my soul is full of discord and dismay
how does gertrude tell hamlet to not mourn so much
good hamlet cast thy nighted colour off… all that lives must die
what quote shows gertrudes knowledge of hamlet as she correctly guesses whats wrong (and is then dismissed by the men in the room)
i doubt it is no other but the main: his fathers death and our o’erhasty marriage
how is gertrude descrubed by claudius
sweet gertrude
what quote shows gertudes role as a woman
i shall obey you
what quote shows gertrudes realisation of what shes been a part of
oh hamlet speak no more. thou turn’st my eyes into my very soul and there i see such black and grained spots
how is gertrude described in relation to claudius
shes so conjunctive to my life and soul that as the star moves not but in his sphere i could not but by her
how does ophelia respond to laertes advice
do not as some ungracious pastors do show me the steep and thorny way to heaven whiles like a puffed and reckless libertine himself the primrose path of dalliance treads
how does hamlet address ophelia
the fair ophelia. – nymph in thy orisons be all my sins remembered
what does hamlet say to ophelia telling her either to stop whoring around or to not give herself to anyone if it cannot be him
get thee to a nunnery (repeated thrice in his speech)
what does hamlet say insinuating ophelia will not be able to escape misrepresentation and false rumours that will ruin her no matter how good she is
be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny
how is ohelias madness described
poor ophelia divided from herself and her fair judgment
how does gertrude describe ophelias death
long it could not be till that her garments, heavy with thier drink, pulled the poor wretch from her melodious lay to muddy death
how do we know ophelias death was suicide
she drowned herself wittingly
what quote shows ophelias favour despite her death
shards, flints, and pebbles should be thrown on her. yet here she is allowed her virgin crants
how does laertes pay his respects
lay her i’th’earth and from her fair and unpolluted flesh may violets spring
what advice is laertes given by his dad
give every man thy ear but few thy voice; take each mans censure but reserve thy judgment
how is laertes described by claudius
why now you speak like a good child and a true gentleman
what quote shows laertes is thoughtful and not rash
but my revenge will come
how does laertes react to ophelias death showing his grief and respect
too much of water hast thou poor ophelia and therefore i forbid my tears
how does hamlet tell laertes he’ll accentuate his qualities
ill be your foil laertes. in mine ignorance your skill shall like a star i’th’darkest night stick fiery off indeed
what quote shows laertes has been caught in his own trap
why as a woodcock to mine own springe i am justly killed with mine own treachery
how does laertes react to the kings death
he is justly served it is a poison tempered by himself
what does polonius say to show his belief that falsehoods will encourage others to tell the truth - fishing metaphor
your bait of falshood takes this carp of truth, and thus do we of wisdom and of reach
how is polonius described by claudius
as of a man faithful and honourable
what quote from hamlet shows he is in a state of mourning
my inky cloak
suits of solemn black
windy suspiration of forced breath
the fruitful river in the eye
how does hamlet describe denmark in 4 words
how weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable
how does hamlet describe denmakr with a garden metaphor
tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed things rank and gross in nature
what does laertes say shwoing hamlet doesnt have alot of control
his will is not his own for he himself is subject to his birth
what quote shows hamlet is bound by duty to revenge
speak i am bound to hear
so art thou to revenge when thou shalt hear
what quote shows hamlets devotion to revenge
from the table of my memory i shall wipe away all trivial and fond records and thy commandment all alon shall live within the book and volume of my brain unmixed with baser matters
what quote shows that hamlets madness (at least started out) as an act
to put an antic dispositon on
what quote shows hamlets unhappiness at his fate
the time is out of joint: ih cursed spite
that ever i was born to set it right
what quote shows hamlets state after speaking to the ghost
and with a look so piteous in purport as if he had been loosed out of hell to speak of horrors
what quotes from polonius shows that hamlets maddnes is merely an act
though this be madness yet there is method in’t
how pregnant sometimes his replies are
what quote shows hamlet is all bark no bite
must like a whore unpack my heart with words and fall a-cursing like a very drab
what quote shows hamlets debate over whether he should end it or continue to live but suffer
whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take up arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them
what quote shows hamlets sense of hope for a better life
to die to sleep to sleep perchance to dream. ay theres the rub for in that sleep of death what dreams may come
what quote shows that hamlet looks up to those not ruled by passion
give me that man that is not passions slave and i will wear him in my hearts core
what interaction between hamlet and ophelia is a dig at gertrude
tis breif my lord
as womans love
what qoute from gertrude shows only hamlet sees the ghost
alas hes do bend your eye on vacancy
how does gertrude describe hamlets madness
mad as the sea and wind, when both contend which is the mightier
what quote from hamlet shows he will only think of revenge
from this time forth my thought be bloody or be nothing worth
what quote from hamlet shows his question of how life could be important if we all end up the same in death
dost thou think alexander looked o’ this fashion i’th’earth
imperious caesar dead and turned to clay might stop a hole to keep the wind away
what quote shows hamlets love for ophelia
i loved ophelia; forty thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love make up my sum
what quote from hamlet shows that he believes his madness is his downfall
his madness is poor hamlets enemy
what quote shows hamlet is respected in death
bear hamlet like a soldier…for he was likely, had he been put on, to have proved most royal
What quote shows Claudius asking for hamlet to be spied on
And to gather so much as from occasion you may glean