quotes Flashcards
What does Marsellus ask regarding the ghost in act one scene one
“Has this thing appeared again tonight”
how does Bernardo describe the ghost in act one scene one?
“In the same figure like the king, that’s dead”
how does Claudius describe the memory of his brothers death in act one scene, two
“The memory be green”
what does Claudius say insinuating that they should look happily to the future whilst morning the king?
“With one auspicious and one dropping eye“
how does Claudius describe the state in act one scene two
“Our state to be disjoint and out of frame”
what does Hamlet say to show that he does not feel like a son to Claudius in act, one scene, two
“A little more than kin, and less than kind”
how does Gertrude tell Hamlet to stop morning in act one scene, two
“Good Hamlet, cast thy knighted colour off… All that lives must die”
what four quotes does hamlet use to represent his grieving in act one scene two
“My inky cloak”
“Suits of solemn black”
“Windy, suspiration of forced breath”
“The fruitful river in the eye”
how does Claudius describe, hamlets grieving, as stubborn in act one scene, two
“To persevere in obstinate condolement is a course of impious stubbornness”
and what one word does Claudius use to describe hamlets grief in act one scene, two
“Unmanly “
How does Claudius say Hamlet’s grieving is insulting everything in act one scene, two
“Tis a fault to heaven, a fault against the dead, a fault to nature”
How does Claudius tell Hamlet he doesn’t want him to go back to school in act one scene, two
“for your intent in going back to school in Wittenberg. It is most retrograde to our desire”
How does Claudius say he wants to keep an eye on Hamlet in act one scene two
“We beseech you bend you to remain here in the cheer and comfort of our eye”
how does Hamlet say that he wishes suicide wasn’t wrong in act one scene, two
“That the everlasting had not fixed his Cannan ‘gainst self slaughter”
how does hamlet show the extent of his grieving and longing for death in act one scene, two
“O that this too too solid flesh would melt thaw and resolve itself into a dew”
what four adjectives does hamlet use to describe the world in act one scene two
“How weary stale flat and unprofitable“
what garden metaphor does hamlet use to describe the court in act, one scene, two
“tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed things rank in gross in nature”
what comparison does hamlet use to say? Claudius is a horrible king in act, one scene, two
“So excellent, a king that was to this Hyperion to a satyr”
what comparison does hamlet use to compare Claudius to his father in act one scene, two
“My father’s brother, but no more like my father, then I to Hercules”
what sarcastic comment about the funeral/marriage Food does hamlet use to show his distaste towards the speed of the marriage?
“The funeral baked meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables”
what quote does Laertes use to tell Ophelia that hamlets love will not last in act one scene three
“for Hamlet and the trifling of his favour, hold it a Fashion and a toy in blood, a violet in the youth of primy nature, forward not permanent, sweet, not lasting perfume in suppliance of a minute, no more”
what quote does Laertes used to show that Hamlet is controlled by the state and doesn’t have free will in act one scene three
“His will is not his own, for he himself is subject to his birth”
what does Ophelia say when telling her brother to not give advice he is not taken in act one scene, three
“Do not as some ungracious pastors do show me the steep and thorny way to heaven whiles like a puffed and reckless libertine, himself the Primrose Path of dalliance treads”
what advice does Polonius give laertes to tell him. Listen but don’t talk. In act. One scene, three
“Give everyman thy ear, but few thy Voice/ take each man’s censure but reserve thy judgement”
what quote does hamlet use showing his desperation to talk to his father again, even if he may be evil in act, one scene, four?
“Be thou, a spirit of health or a goblin damned bring with thee airs from Heaven, or blasts from hell”
What quote does Hamlet use showing his loyalty to his father in desperation to talk to him again in act one scene four
“I’ll call thee Hamlet, King father, Royal Dane. Oh answer me”
what quote does hamlet use to show his disbelief that his father is walking around as a ghost in act one scene for
“Why the sepulchre wherein we saw thee quietly enurned hath oped his ponderous and marble Jaws to cast thee up again”
what quote does Hamlet use to show that he does not value his life in act one scene for
“Why, what should be the fear? I do not set my life at a pins fee”
what quote does Horatio use to caution Hamlet when going to speak to the ghost in act one scene for (hints at hamlets insanity later)
“Which might deprive your sovereignty of reason and draw you into madness”
what small interaction between Hamlet and the ghost shows that Hamlet’s Will is not his own in act one scene, five
H “speak i am bound to hear”
G “so art thou to revenge when thou shalt hear”
what quote does the ghost use to show the idea of purgatory in act one scene five
“ till the fowl crimes done in my days of nature are burnt and purged away”
What quote reveals that the ghost had been murdered in act, one scene, five
“Murder, most foul, as in the best it is, but this most fouls, strange in unnatural”
what comparison to a serpent brings up the idea of a garden of Eden in act one scene, five
“Sleeping in my Orchard, a serpent stung me… The serpent that did Sting thy fathers life now where’s his crown“
what triplet does the ghost use to show what his brother denied him of in act one scene, five
“Of life of crown of Queen at once dispatched”
what quote does the ghost use to show his discontent at the way Denmark is being ruled now in act one scene five
“Lest not the Royal bed of Denmark, be a couch for luxury and damned incest”
What quote does Hamlet use to say he will wipe his mind so that it is nothing but revenge in act one scene five
“From the table of my memory, I’ll wipe away, all trivial, fond records… And thy commandment, all alone, shall live within the book and volume of my brain unmixed with Baser matters”
What quote does he use to show that he is going to start acting mad to find out the truth in act one scene five
“To put an antic disposition on”
what quote does Hamlet use to show that he is not happy about his role and that he does not have a choice in his role act one scene five
“The time is out of joint: o cursed spite that ever, I was born to set it right”
what quote does Polonius use to show his mindset that falsehoods will encourage others to tell the truth in act two scene one
“You’re a beat of false hood, takes this carp of truth and thus do we of wisdom and of reach”
what quote shows their society’s idea of falsehood and truth in act 2 scene 1
“by indirections find directions out”
what quote shows the start of hamlets madness in act two scene one
“and with a look so piteous in purport as if he had been loosed out of hell to speak of horrors”
what does polonium’s think is the cause of hamlets madness act two scene one
“mad for thy love”
what quote shows hamlets mental state in act two scene one
“ he raised a sigh so piteous and profound as it did seem to shatter all his bulk and end his being”
what quote shows claudius’ request for hamlet to be spied on act two scene two
“and to gather so much as from occasion you may glean”
what does gertrude think is the cause for hamlets madness act two scene two
“i doubt it is no other but the main: his fathers death and our o’erhasty marriage”
what does hamlet say about the rarity of an honest man in act two scene, two
“To be honest, as this world goes is to be one man picked out of ten thousand“
what does Polonius say showing that he thinks hamlets madness is just lovesick in act two scene, two
“Still harping on my daughter”
What does hamlet say to Polonius? That is ironic in act two, scene, two
“For yourself, sir shall grow old as I am”
What does Polonius say insinuating there is a reason to hamlets madness. In act two scene, two
though this be madness, yet there is method in’t
What does Polonius say insinuating that hamlets replies are full of meaning in act two scene, two
How pregnant Sometimes his replies are.
what does hamlet say showing his feelings towards Denmark in act two scene, two
is Denmarks a prison
Denmark being one o’th’worst
What does hamlet say showing that everything depends on perspective and attitude in act two scene, two
For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so
What does hamlet say showing he is not in control in act two scene, two
I cannot reason
what quote shows hamlets suspicion in act two scene, two
Where are you not sent for? Is it your own inclining? Is it a free visitation?
What does Hamlet say showing he lost all his happiness and laughter in act two scene, two
Lost all my mirth
what quote does Hamlet use to describe the world showing it is meaningless in act two scene, two
Sterile Promontory
how does Hamlet negatively describe the world/sky, in act two scene, two
But a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours
what does hamlet say complimenting people in act two scene, two
What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculties
what is negative quote shows hamlets real view on people in act two, scene two
What is this quintessence of dust?
what quote shows that Hamlet believes the king now is fake and shows that he will honour an actor playing king, just as much as the real king
He that plays the king, shall be welcome his Majesty shall have a tribute of me
What does hamlet say implying he is a slave in act 2 scene 2
O what a rogue and peasant slave am I!
What quote shows the extent of hamlets passion to set things right in act 2 scene 2
What would he do had he the motive and the cue for passion that I have? He would drown the stage with tears
What quote does hamlet use to describe his muddy spirited self
Yet i a foul and muddy-mettled rascal
What quote shows hamlets doubt in act two scene two
Am I a coward?
What quote shows hamlets doubt through the metaphor of a bird in act two scene two
But I am a pigeon-livered, and lack gall to make oppression bitter
What quote shows hamlet is called by fate to revenge
Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell
What quote shows that hamlet believes he is all talk and no action
Must like a whore unpack my heart with words and fall a-cursing like a very drab
What quote shows hamlets plan to watch Claudius during the play
I’ll observe his looks I’ll tent him to the quick
What quote shows that it is hamlets plan to catch the kings from via the play
The plays the thing wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king
What quote shows that Claudius believes hamlets madness is an act
-He Puts on this confusion
-crafty madness
How does Claudius address Gertrude
Sweet Gertrude
What quote shows that Claudius believe hamlets madness is from love
‘t be th’affliction of his love or no that thus he suffers for
What quote shows Gertrude’s role as a good woman
I shall obey you
What quote shows that Gertrude believes Claudius will fix hamlet
That your good beauties be the happy cause of hamlets wildness. So shall I hope your virtues will bring him to his winter way again, to both your honours
What quote shows that polonius believes that people cover their sins with acts of religion
That with devotions visage and pious action we do sugar o’er the devil himself
What quote shows hamlets question whether to live or to die
To be or not to be that is the question
What quote shows hamlets question whether it is better to suffer and fight the things life throws at you
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them
What quote shows hamlets idea that he could end all his suffering easily
To die, to sleep - no more; and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to
What quote shows that if you die you might miss out on the good
To die, to sleep - to sleep, perchance to dream… for in that sleep of death what dreams may come
What quote shows that hamlet could end his suffering with a dagger
When he himself might his quietus make with a bare bodkin
What quote shows that the fear of what’s after death is something that stops hamlet from suicide
The dread of something after death the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns - puzzles the will, and makes us rather bear those ills we have
What quote said by hamlet in his to be or not to be speech shows that we are controlled by our conscience
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all
What does hamlet say to Ophelia showing his disgust of her
Get thee to a nunnery
What quote shows hamlets admiration of horatios even temper
As one in suffering all that suffers nothing, a man that fortunes buffets and rewards hast tane with equal thanks.
What quote shows hamlets admiration of horatio and the fact he is not ruled by passion
Give me that man that is not passions slave and I will wear him in my hearts core
What quote shows that horatios passion and reason are well mixed
Whose blood and judgment are so well commeddled
What quote shows hamlets idea that if Claudius doesn’t react than the ghost is the devil
It is a damned ghost that we have seen and my imaginations are so foul as Vulcans stithy
What quote shows that hamlet makes no sense — said by Claudius
I have nothing with this answer hamlet
What quote shows hamlets distaste at his mothers joy so soon after his fathers death
For look you how cheerfully my mother looks and my father died withins two hours
What interaction between hamlet and Ophelia shows hamlets view on women
O: tis brief my lord.
H: as woman’s love.
What quote shows Claudius’ guilt
The king rises
What quote shows that Claudius left to rage alone after the play
Is in his retirement marvellous distempered
What quote from Claudius shows his guilt during confession likened to cane and abel
Oh my offence is rank it smells to heaven; it hath the primal eldest curse upon’t
What quote from Claudius’ confession shows that his guilt won’t let him pray
My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent
What quote shows the extent of Claudius’ guilt - similar to all great neptunes oceans/ all the perfumes of Arabia quotes
This cursed hand were thicker than itself with brothers blood, is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens to wash it white as snow
What quote shows that the point of prayer is to stop you from sinning or to get forgiveness
And what’s in prayer but this two-fold force to be forestalled ere we come to fall or pardoned being down
What shows that Claudius is not intending to repent, as he is still reaping the benefits
‘Forgive me my foul murder’? That cannot be since I’m still possessed of those effects for which I did the murder.
What quote shows the idea that you can get away with sins on Earth, but he will be punished in heaven
In the corrupted currents of this world, offences, gilded hand may shove by justice
What quote shows that Hamlet wants revenge and not just to get even
A villain kills my father, and for that I his sole son, do the same villain sent to heaven
What quote shows that hamlet doesn’t just want to be in assassin, but wants to avenge his father
Why this is hire and salary, not revenge
What “shows that Hamlet does not want to kill Claudius when he has just repented and prayed
And am I then revenged to take him in the purging of his soul, when he is fit and seasoned for his passage
When does hamlet say he wants to kill Claudius?
About some act that has no relish of salvation in’t
What quote shows that hamlet to send Claudius to hell?
He’s so maybe as damage and black as hell, where to it goes
What does hamlet say to Gertrude letting her know of her disgrace?
You have my father, much offended
What does Gertrude say to hamlet to insinuate? He isn’t making sense.
come come, you answer with an idle tongue
What quotes from hamlet mirrors Gertrudes, but put her down
Go go, you question with a wicked tongue
What does hamlet say to Gertrude to tell her that she needs to look within herself?
You go not till I set you up a glass where you may see the inmost part of you
How does Gertrude describe the killing of Polonius?
Oh, what a rash and bloody deed is this!
What does hamlet reply to Gertrude’s quote “oh what a rash and Bloody deed is this’l
As kill a, king and marry with his brother
How does Gertrude ask hamlet why he’s being so rude to her?
What have I done that thou dar’st wag thy tongue in noise so rude against me
What does hamlet see to Gertrude describing all the wrong? She has done.
Calls virtue hypocrite, takes off the rose from the fair forhead of an innocent love and set a blister there
What does hamlet to say implying that Gertrude made marriage just a confusion of words
Makes marriage vowels as false as dicers (gamblers) oaths… the very soul and Sweet religion makes a Rhapsody of words
How does Hamlet describe his father in comparison to a bunch of mythical beings e.g. Titan, Zeus Ares and Hermes
Hyperions curls, the front of jove himself, an eye like Maz, to threaten and command; a station, like the Herald, Mercury, new lighted on a heaven, kissing hill
How does hamlet say that his father was a gift from God to the world?
Where every God did seem to set his seal to give the world assurance of a man
How does hamlet describe Claudius after just having described his father like a God?
Here is your husband, like a mildewed ear blasting his wholesome brother. Have you eyes?
What does Gertrude say realising her mistakes after him that has shown them to her?
Oh Hamlet speak no more. Thou turn’st my eyes into my very Solona there, I see such black and grained spots
What does hamlet say to Gertrude implying she’s covering up her nasty sins
in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed stewed in corruption, honeying and making Love over the nasty sty
How does Gertrude describe hamlets words?
These words like daggers enter in my ears
How does hamlet describe Claudius into words
A murderer and a villain
What does hamlet describe that? Claudius has done
That from a, shelf, the precious diadem stall and put it in his pocket
What does hamlet to say to describe the ghost when he sees him in act three scene, four
A king of shreds and patches
What does Gertrude say about hamlets sanity after he notes that ghost?
Alas he’s mad!
What does Gertrude say that shows us only Hamlet can see the ghost?
That you do bend your eye on vacancy
What does hamlet to say, implying that Gertrudes corruption infects her soul?
It will, but skin and film the ulcerous place whiles rank corruption, mining all within infects, unseen
What does hamlet to say to Gertrude telling her not to spread her corruption?
Do not spread the compost on the weeds to make them ranker
What does hamlet to say implying that he does not trust Rosencrantz or Guildenstern?
Whom I will trust as I will adders fangs
How does hamlet describe Polonius?
A foolish prating knave
How does Gertcha describe, hamlets, madness with the nature of metaphor?
Mad as the sea and wind, when both contend, which is the mightier
What does Cláudia say implying that because he has covered up hamlets madness, spread like a disease within hamlet
But like the owner of a foul disease to keep it from divulging, let it feed even on the pith of life
 What does Cláudia say about hamlets madness in Polonius, his death
Hamlet in madness, hath Polonius slain
What does Claudia say implying that his soul is torn and stressed?
Oh, come away, my soul is full of discord and dismay
How does hamlet describe Polonius being in the ground
At supper… not where he eats, but where a is eaten
What does Hamlet say about how the hierarchy and everything we do is pointless because we die (maggots)
We fat all creatures else to fat us, and we fat ourselves for maggots
What does Hamlet say implying that Claudius is going to go to hell
If your messenger find him, not there (heaven) seek him i’th’ other place yourself
What is hamlets reasoning for calling Claudius his mother?
My mother. Father and mother is man and wife, man and wife is one flesh and so, my mother.
What does Claudia C. implying that he cannot enjoy the throne and tell him is dead or gone?
Till I know ‘tis done howe’er my haps my joys were ne’er begun
What does Hamlet say implying that he is not a man of action, and what is the point of man if he does not take action
What is a man if his chief good and market of his time be but to sleep and feed?
What does hamlet say to ask whether his inaction is because of ignorance or morality?
Know whether it be bestial oblivion or some craven scruple.
What does hamlet said ask whether it is wisdom or cowardice stopping him?
A thought, which quartered, hath but one part wisdom and ever three parts coward
What does hamlet say showing his respect for fortenbras as he fights even though his reason is as thing as an eggshell
To all that fortune, death and danger, dare even for an eggshell
What does him that say implying that he should be more like fortenbras seeming as his reason is better, and more honour is at stake
When honours at the steak how stand, I then that have a father killed, a Mother stained
What does hamlet say implying that from now on, he will be a man of action and think nothing but revenge. (this is the third time he has said something like this.)
Oh, from this time forth, my thoughts, be bloody or be nothing worth
How old is Claude is describe Ofelia into words
Pretty Ophelia!
How does Claudius describe Ophelia after she goes mental?
Poor Ophelia, divided from herself and her fair judgement
What ironic statement is, Claudia say, implying that he has protected as a king because trees and never gets far
There is such divinity doth hedge a king that treason can, but peep to what it would
How does Claudius describe Laertes
Why now you speak like a good child and a true gentleman
What semantic field do we get in act four scene, five
Flowers emoji Rosemary, pansies, fennel, columbines, roo, daisy, violet
How does Claudius describe his relationship with Gertrude implant he cannot do anything to upset her
She’s so conjunctive to my life and soul, that as the star moves not but in his sphere, I could not but by her
What does Cláudia say about revenge and it’s bounds
Revenge should have no bounds
What does Gertrude say about how so many deaths are happening. E.g. Ofelia.
One woe doth tread upon another’s heel so fast they follow. Your sisters drowned Laertes
What does Laertes say? I’m playing. Ophelia has had enough water so he will stop himself from crying as to not drowned her again.
Too much of water, hast thou poor Ophelia, and therefore I forbid my tears
What does the clown say implying that it was suicide Ophelia’s death?
She drowned herself wittingly
What does hamlet think about the skulls and how everyone looks the same
Dost thou think Alexander looked o’ this fashion i’th’earth
What quote shows that Hamlet believes, no matter how great you are in life we are all the same in death (hehe)
Imperious, Cesar, dead, and turn to clay, might stop a hole to keep the wind away
What “from the priest shows that because of Ophelia is suicide, she should have a less respectable death, but she does not
Shards, flints and pebbles should be thrown on her.
Yet here she is allowed her virgin crants
What does Laertes say at Ophelia’s funeral?
Lay her i’th’earth and from her fair and unpolluted flesh may Violets spring
What does Hamlet say implying that his love for Ophelia, who is greater than liberties?
I loved Ophelia; forty thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love, make up my sum
What does Horatio say to him that to warn him of the trap?
You will lose my Lord
(Hamlet replies “I do not think, so” showing his confidence)
What does hamlet to say showing he has a bad feeling about this
Think how ill all is here about my heart— but it is no matter
What quote links to matthew 10:29 in the idea that not one spare will fall without the wheel of your father, implying that nothing will fall to the ground without God, knowing, but that does not necessarily mean he will stop it
There is special Providence, in the fall of a sparrow
What does hamlet say about himself and his madness being his enemy
His madness is poor, hamlets enemy
What does hamlet to say, implying that he will accentuate or draw attention to Laertes qualities
I’ll be your foil Laertes.
In mine ignorance, your skill shall like a star i’th’darkest night, stick fiery off indeed
What does liberty say implying that he’s caught in his own trap?
Why is a Woodcock to mine own Springe… I am justly killed with mine own treachery.
What does liberty say about Claudius’s death?
He is justly served.
It is a poison tempered by himself
How does Horacio sum up Hamlet story at the very very end
So shall you hear of carnal, bloody, and unnatural acts, of accidental judgements, casual slaughters, of deaths, put on by cunning and forced cause, and in this upshot, purposes mistook fallen on th’inventors’ heads
What does fortenbras say implying Hamlet would have made a good King?
For he was likely, had he been put on to have proved most royal
What does fortenbras say to treat Hamlet like in death?
Bear hamlet like a soldier