Signals Flashcards
Cont. Isolation Signals (CIS) Phase A
SIS - any signal
Manual - Phase A / CVI HS - 1/2
Cont Isoation Signals - (CIS) Phase B
Cont press Hi Hi - 2.81 psid - 2/4
Manual - HS - 2/2
(SIS) Safety Injection Signals
(1) Cont press Hi - 1.54 psid - 2/3 PT’s - None (Block/Permissive)
(2) Pressurizer Pressure Lo - 1870psig - 2/3 PT’s - Manual below P-11(Block/Permissive)
(3) Steamline press Lo - 600psig - 2/3 PT’s on 1/4 loops - Manual below P-11(Block/Permissive)
(4) Manual - N/A - 1/2 HS’s
(CVI) Cont. Vent Isolation
(1) RM 90-130 & 131 - High Rad Signal - 1/2 - (130 -> A Train), (131 -> B Train)
(2) SIS , Any Signal
(3) Manual Phase B, Phase B HS, 2/2
(4) Manual Phase A, Phase A HS, 1/2
Cont Spray Actuation Signals
(1) Cont pressure Hi Hi, 2.81 psid, 2/4
(2) Manual, Phase B HS, 2/2
Main Steamline Isolation Signals
(1) Cont press Hi Hi, 2.81 psid, 2/4 PT’s,
(2) Steamline press Low, 600 psig, 2/3 PT’s on 1/4 loops, Manual below P-11
(3) Steamline press negative rate, 100 psig Dec in 50 sec time constant, 2/3 PT’s on 1/4 loops, Enabled only when Steamline press SI signal blocked
(FWI) Feedwater Isolation Signal
(1) S/G Level Hi Hi, 81% (P-14), 2/3 LT’s on any S/G
(2) Rx Trip (P-4) with Lo Tave, Rx Trip Bkr Open 550°F, 2/4 loops
(3) SIS, Any Signal
After SI initiation, must wait for 60 second timer to reset. Then the reset PB for each train must be actuated. This will block any automatic SI actuation signal but manual SI is not blocked. To remove AUTO SI block, the Rx Trip bkrs must be cycled to remove P-4 seal-in signal.
Turbine Runback
(1) OTDT (C-3) - 3% below trip setpoint 2/4
(2) OPDT (C-4) - 1% below trip setpoint - 2/4
(3) #3 HDT Byp to cond - LCV-6-105 A or B < full closed (Turbine Load U1>81%, U2>82%, #3HDTP discharge flow<5500gpm for>10sec - 1/2
(4) MFP Trip - Tripped with Turbine Load>U1 76%/U2>77% - 1/1
Turbine Runback cont - OTDT/OPDT
OTDT/OPDT - pulsed runback @ 200% per min ON for 1.5 sec - OFF for 28.5 sec
Turbine Runback cont - #3 HDT bypassing (FCV-6-105’s)
Runback will continue at 200% per min until turbine load is <77%, 105’s closed, or #3 HDTP flow > 5500 gpm
Turbine Runback cont - MFPT trip
Runback will continue @ 200% per min until turbine load <50%