Control Permissives (C's) Flashcards
Control Permissives
C-1 IR High Flux Rod Stop
C-2 PR High Flux Rod Stop
C-3 OTdeltaT Rod Stop & Turbine Runback
C-4 OPdeltaT Rod Stop & Turbine Runback
C-5 Auto Rod Stop
C-7 Load Rejection
C-9 Condenser Available
C-11 Control Bank D rod Stop
C-20 AMSAC Interlock
IR High Flux Rod Stop: >20% (setpoint), 1/2 (logic), Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal (permissive)
PR High Flux Rod Stop: >105% (setpoint), 1/4 (logic) - Block Auto and Manual Rod Withdrawal (permissive)
OTDT Rod Stop & Turbine Runback: 3% below trip (setpoint), 2/4 (logic), Block Auto & Manual Rod Withdrawal & Turbine Runback (permissive)
OPDT Rod Stop & Turbine Runback: 1% below (setpoint), 2/4 (logic), block auto and manual rod withdrawal & turbine runback (permissive)
Auto Rod Stop: PT-173 <15% (setpoint), 1/1 (logic), block auto rod withdrawal (permissive)
Load Rejection: Median Value of PT-1-72, PT 1-73, and PT 47-13 senses a load decrease > 10% in a 2 minute time constant (setpoint), 1/1 (logic), Arm Steam Dumps in Tave Mode (permissive)
Condenser Available : Validated Condenser Press <3.44 psia AND CCWP bkr racked in & closed (setpoint), 2/2 - 1/3 (logic), Enable Steam Dumps (permissive)
Control Bank D Rod Stop: 220 Steps (setpoint), 1/1 (logic), Block Auto Rod Withdrawal (permissive)
AMSAC Interlock: >40% Rx Power Equivalent (setpoint), 2/2 PT’s (logic), Arms ATWS mitigation system actuation
circuit (permissive)