Sigmund Freud Flashcards
What are the 3 components of psychology?
Id Ego Super ego
This assumption emphasizes that the unconscious mind is a powerful of what we do, think, and feel is influenced by unconscious motivations and desires that we are not aware of
Primacy of the Unconscious
What are the 3 core assumptions?
Primacy of the unconscious
Critical importance of early experience
Psychic Causality
This so heavily influenced by the work of Sigmund Freud
Psychodynamic theory of personality
Emphasize the influence of the __________ mind on personality
It includes behavioral characteristic both ___________ and _________.
Inherent, acquired
He emphasize the influence of the unconscious mind on personality
Sigmund Freud
This includes behavioral characteristic both inherent and acquired
It contents that ______________ are crucial shaping a dull personality
Childhood experience
This assumption that early childhood experiences are pivotal in shaping an individual’s personality and psychological development.
Critical importance of early experience
This assumption suggest that every thought, feeling, and behavior has a psychological cause rooted in the unconscious mind. In other words, nothing we do is random
Psychic Causality
This component is entirely unconscious
This component is reality principle
This the Moderator between id and super ego
This is an obsessive drive that may or may not be acted on involving an object, concept or person
It stems from the Latin word persona
This component is both conscious and unconscious
Super ego
This is the moral aspect of personality
Super ego
He maintained that these conflicts progress through a series of five basic stages, each with a different focus
Sigmund Freud
The 5 basic stages called?
Psychosexual theory of development
What are the defense mechanism?
Repression, Regression, Displacement, Sublimation, Reaction Formation, Projection, and Rationalization.
One of psychosexual stages of Sigmund Freud that children spend more time with their same-sex peers
One of basic stages that children derived pleasure from oral activities like sucking or tasting
Oral Stage
What are the two complex of phallic stage?
Oedipus complex and Elektra complex
This complex is when girls are more attach to their fathers
Electra Complex
One of complex when boys are more attach to their mothers
Oedipus complex
This stage is when children are more attach to their mother or father
Phallic Stage
This is beyond their puberty, when a individual are attach to their opposite sex peers
Genital Stage
One of a basic stages that children are beginning to potty training
Anal Stage
Defense mechanism that creating false excuses for ones unacceptable feelings
A defense mechanism that a person is not remembering their traumatic experience or incident memory
A defense mechanism that replacing socially unacceptable impulse
A defense mechanism that acting in exactly the opposite way
Reaction Formation
Defense mechanism that redirecting unacceptable feelings from original to safer
A defense mechanism that reverting back to immature behavior
Attributing one’s own unacceptable feeling to others and not yours
A defense mechanism that accusing someone else of something that you are actually feeling or doing yourself
A defense mechanism that when you are angry, you are turning your feeling into more positive and productive
A defense mechanism that you are expressing your feelings in different way
Reaction Formation
A defense mechanism that throwing a tantrums as an adult when you don’t get your way
It is the psychological strategies that are unconsciously used protect a person from anxiety arising from the unacceptable thought or feelings.
Defense Mechanism