Erik Erikson Flashcards
Suggests that an individual’s personality develops throughout the lifespan based on a ________________
Series of social relationship
He emphasized the social relationships that are important at each stage of personality development
Erik Erikson
__________ are the characteristics strength which the ego can use to resolve subsequent crisis
Basic Virtues
In this stage children begin to learn the ability to trust others. This is established from the consistency of their caregivers.
Trust vs. Mistrust
In this stage children begin to learn the ability to trust others. This is established from the consistency of their caregivers.
Trust vs. Mistrust
When trust develops well, the child achieves confidence and security in the world and is capable of feeling secure.
Trust vs Mistrust
Children begin to claim their power and control through leading play and other social interactions.
Initiative Vs. Guilt
Children who are fruitful at this stage feel adequate and capable to direct others. Those who fail to acquire these abilities possess feelings of guilt, self-doubt, and lack of initiative
Initiative vs Guilt
The resolution or virtue of this conflict is hope vs fear
Trust vs Mistrust
The resolution or virtues of this conflict is care vs selfishness
Generativity vs Stagnation
The resolution or virtues of this conflict is wisdom vs Despair
Integrity vs Despair
What is the resolution or virtues of this conflict, industry vs inferiority
Competence vs inferiority
What is the conflict of this virtues or resolution, fidelity vs uncertainty
Identity vs confusion
What is the conflict of love vs promiscuity
Intimacy vs isolation
It is the acceptance of the cycle of life, from integration to disintegration
Autonomy vs shame
It is the existential identity; a sense of integrity strong enough to withstand physical disintegration
Integrity vs Despair
This is the appreciation of interdependence and relatedness
Basic Trust vs Mistrust
This is the humor; empathy and resilience
Initiative vs Guilt
This is the sense of complexity of relationship; value of tenderness and loving freely
Intimacy vs isolation
The children begin to become mobile and develop physical at this age
Autonomy vs shame doubt
Children become to proclaimed their power and control through leading play and other social interaction
Initiative vs Guilt
This stage where children establish self-confidence in their achievements
Industry vs inferiority
When children proclaim their independence by walking away from their caregiver
Autonomy vs shame doubt
Children who are fruitful at this age feel adequate and capable of direct others
Initiative vs Guilt
The children begin task, finalize them, and feel good about they accomplished
Industry vs inferiority
Throughout adolescence, children examine their independence and explore their sense of self
Identity vs Role confusion
In this stage, we begin to establish careers, settle down with a relationship and start our own families.
Generativity vs Stagnation
When we have grown older and have become senior citizens
Ego Integrity vs Despair
During this time, we start pondering/look back/reminisce our accomplishments and we develop integrity/sense of pride/honor if we see ourselves as leading a successful life.
Ego Integrity vs Despair
What are the ages of Erik Erikson theory
Infancy, Early Childhood, Play age, School ge, Adolescence, Early Adulthood, Adulthood, and Old age
Successful completion of each stages results in a _____________________
Healthy personality and the acquisition of basic virtues
Erik Erikson identified 8 stages, each stages represent a ___________
Conflict or developmental task
Basic Virtues are characteristics strength which ego can use to resolve _________
Subsequent Crisis