Sicular day 1 - peds rheum, pulm, nephro,& infx Flashcards
super cardiac shadow –> ?
Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return
cyanotic baby –> which type of congenital heart deformaties?
R–> L shunts
Marfans has what type of murmur?
aortic regurgitation (diastolic decrescendo murmur @ sternal border) sometimes MVP
Diastolic murmurs = (acronym?)
AR = Aortic Regurg
MS = Mitral Stenosis
Pansystolic apical murmur radiating to the axilla = ?
Mitral regurg
strawberry tounge = (2)?
- Kawasaki
- Scarlet fever
Palms and Soles rash = diff dx(6)?
- kawasaki
- Syphillis (stage 2)
- Rocky mountain spotted fever
- Coxsackie
- Strep + Staph –> toxic shock
- Neisseria meningitis + gonnerhea
Kawaski monitoring forward?
Echo looking for artery aneurysms
Kawasaki treat?
IVIG + Aspirin
“Tibial tuberosity” - think what?
Osgood Schlatters
- can also be called osteochondritis
Best test to confirm Duchenne dx?
PCR DNA testing (specific)
confirm = think?
Specificity (look for specificity answers)
lacy redness cheeks = think?
Parvo B19 (esp preg women or kids)
Parvo B19 risky for those w/?
- Hereditary spherocytosis
- Sickle Cell Disease
*Things that cause anemia already will be worsened byt the virus
kid, joint problem, has Ab –> think?
serological spondoarthropathies
Most appropriate screening test to prevent morbidity from disease in JIA?
Slit lamp exam! (screen for uveitis)
screening = think?
Less invasive, sensitive test
most specific test lupus
Serum anti-ds DNA Ab
Shallow ulcers in nose =diff dx (4)?
- Cocaine/drug abuse
- Lupus
- Behcet
- Wegners
*Autoimmune disease v illegal drugs
reasons for dialysis = ?
- High potassium (esp >6)
Plasmapheresis used for what hemolytic issue?
Kids with leg pain = diff dx?
- Growth pains (bilateral, at night)
- Osteoid Osteoma (unilateral, at night, aspirin relief)
- Cancer (day pain)
next step = think?
Sensitive test, initial test
Best step = think?
Specific, confirmatory test
next, best step = think?
Next wins –> sensitive, initial test
WBC >50,000 in joint aspiration = think?
septic arthritis
painful joint w/ fever and high WBC joint aspiration = think?
septic arthritis
upward lens displacement/subluxation = ?
Marfans! (defect in fibrillin gene)
Adams test = is? and for what?
Adams test is a forward bend test to see if hips are level or not
Good Screen for scoliosis
minute long coughing spells = think?
What organism gives you a significant pulmonary xray with high lymphocytes + non-productive cough?
Mycoplasma!!! –> atypical walking pneumonia
Treat mycoplasma with what?
pt allergic to penicillin and has strep, treat w/ what?
Diaphragmatic Hernia steps in emergent treatment?
- NG tube
- Intubate
- Surgery
*don’t bag mask ventilate
Newborn w/ breathing difficulties main two causes?
- Transient Tachypnea of Newborn
- Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Fissural fluid in newborn w/ breathing difficulties = think?
Transient Tachypnea of Newborn
Transient Tachypnea of Newborn can be related to?
Delayed resorption of fetal lung fluid
Term breakdown of breathing difficulties? (pre, full, Post)
Preterm - RDS
Full term - TTN
Postterm - Meconium aspiration
horizontal crease over nasal bridge w/ clear rhinorrhea = think?
- crease b/c sneezing so often
Allergy treatment based on mild, moderate, or severe?
mild - antihistamine
mod - intranasal steroids
severe - oral steroids
Asthma treatment based on mild, moderate, or severe?
mild - bronchodilators
mod - inhaled steroids
severe - oral steroids
OSA treatment for adult, steps ?
2) Surgery (uvulopalatopharyngoplasty)
OSA treatment for kids, steps?
1) Surgery (adenotonsillectomy)
when you treat strep throat what complication may still arise?
inspiratory stridor = diff dx?
- Laryngomalacia (neonate/newborn)
- Croup (HAS COUGH, infectious indications, 1-3yo, aka Acute laryngotracheobronchitis, steeple sign)
- Aspiration of foreign body (1-2yo, no other infx symp)
- Epiglottitis (drooling, thumb print sign, unimmunized)