Sicilian Flashcards
What is our basic setup against the Sicilian?
We play 2. Nc3 (Closed Sicilian) and go for the Grand Prix Attack. We try to exploit the drawback of the Sicilian, which is time, to attack. Typical moves are: f4, Nf3, Bc4/Bb5, d3, 0-0, Qe1.
What do we play against 2…e6, …d5, …d4?
We play our usual moves: f4, Nf3; after …d4, we exchange the bishops first: Bb5.
What is our plan in the …d4, Bb5 variation?
We go for a kingside attack: Ne2, d3, 0-0, Ng3! We are ready to push the e and f-pawns. The queen can go to e4 and g4, the bishop can come to h6. We can also put the bishop on d2 and let the rook on a1 join the attack from e1.
What is our plan if Black plays Nc6 in the ….d4, Bb5 variation?
We take on c6. We then play against the doubled pawns.
What do we play against 2…e6, …d5, …dxe4?
We play Nxe4. We have two developed pieces, while Black has only made pawn moves. Our plan is to castle long and attack on the kingside: Qe2, b3, Bb2, 0-0-0. In some variations, we might be able to push the pawn on f4 early and if Black takes we can open a discovered attack or mate on the Black king.
What do we play against passive setups (…d6, …e6)?
Our plan is to castle kingside and attack with the kingside pawns supported by the knights and queen. The typical setup is: f4, Nf3, d3, 0-0, g3, Bg2.
How do we punish the common mistake 2…e5?
Black has left a hole on d5, which we exploit. We play Bc4! We then follow up with our usual GPA setup. The pawn on f7 will come under a lot of pressure.