SI's Flashcards
What paper documents must be carried on flights?
QRH - Books 1,2,3 and Airdrop
All Co-Pilot limitations (Seat/PF or PM)
84WG SI(OPS) 02-01
- Must be R seat PM unless flying with CQ, OFI, QFI,
- May operate as L or R seat PF to non-marginal airfields,
- May operate as R seat PF to unsealed airfields (No FS),
- May operate as R seat PF for Unlit Unsealed (ULUS),
- May conduct touch and go around landings from either seat to marginal airfields.
Co-Pilot RIR limitations (Visibility)?
84WG SI(OPS) 02-01
- May be PF for TO with;
- Equal or greater than 1000m Vis without any RWY lighting,
- 800m with CL lighting or markings, or Edge lighting or markings,
- 550m with edge lighting not exceeding 60m and CL lighting.
Regaining currency
84WG SI(OPS) 02-151
0-14 days - Without QFI,OFI,QAI,CQ or IQ - CO/XO auth required
0-29 Days - With QFI,OFI,QAI,CQ or IQ - CO/XO Auth not required
Limitations on airborne emergency training
84WG SI(OPS) 03-01
Must be done with full knowledge and approval of captain and autho.
- No alarms or bells,
- No pulling ECB’s,
- No compound emergencies,
- No asymmetric flight,
- No flapless landings or Touch and go arounds
- No Rejected T/O’s
- OXY - During critical phases of flight, one crew member must not be on oxy
- No manual extension of landing gear or flaps
Low Flying min alt for surveyed and unsurveyed?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-02
Unsurveyed - 250’ HAOW 600m
Surveyed route - 250’ MSD
Surveyed area - 150’ MSD
What serviceable equipment is required for low flying?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-02
- One altimeter
- One Radalt
- SI’s state further restrictions for different weather
LOX requirements to be carried?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-05
Must carry the greater of the following:
- 5 litres,
- Sufficient to supply crew for duration of the flight to an appropriate diversion plus 2 litres,
- Auth is required to depart with less than 10 litres.
Can an RNP be used when determining alternate requirements and when?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-08
Where the minimum equipment liist for dispatch (84WG SI(OPS) 03-08 para 24.) is met the two EGI solutions are considered independent and separate.
What weather conditions should automation be used for flight path control?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
Departure when visibility is less than 1500m and cloud base is less than 300’
Precision approach when visibility is less than 1500m and cloud base is less than 300’
Non precision approach when visibility is less than 3000m and cloud base is less than 1000’
When should the PF ghost the controls while AFCS is engaged?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
When below 1000’ AGL
When should the Auto Throttles not be used?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
- T/O power is set,
- Turbulent operations,
- Cruise power is set during cruise.
When must pilot seat occupants have both seatbelts done up?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
TO and LDG
Below 1000’ AGL
Turbulence is expected
All other times the minimum required is the lap strap
When must a fuel log be logged during a flight?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
Mission exceeds 5.0 hrs
Forecasted to land with less than 2000lbs above the min fuel required
captains discretion
Who can conduct aircraft power up procedures?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
By a qualified crew member
Taxi obstacle clearance requirements?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
less than 25ft wing walker required
no less than 10ft
What is the x-wind limitation for RWY’s that are marginal
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
15kts if marginal due width
All others is limited to the recommended area of the applicable x-wind chart
How much should heavy rain, turbulence and icing be avoided?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
5nm laterally from heavy rain, Not fly into known areas of known severe turb or icing
When can you take off or land with thunderstorms within 10nm of the airfield
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
TS is not producing any hazardous conditions at the airfield or along the intended route.
TS not forecast or observed to be moving towards the intended route of flight.
Thunderstorms - In Flight avoidance
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
Above FL230 - 20nm
Below FL230 - 10mn
Low Level - 5nm
Stabilised approach criteria 1000’ above HAT
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
If not met or maintained by 1000ft above the HAT
- All required briefs and checklists have been complete,
- Aircraft is in landing configuration,
- Speed is +20/-10kts on target speed,
- ROD is less than 1000fpm.
Stabilised approach criteria 200’ above HAT
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
If not met or maintained by 200’ above the HAT
- All briefs and checklists have been complete,
- Aircraft is in landing configuration,
- Speed is +/-10kts on target speed (3kts during max effort),
- ROD is less than 1000fpm,
- Aim point and aspect is within the touchdown zone and is constant and the aircrafts trajectory to the touchdown zone is stable and assured.
When can you conduct a 50% flap landing?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
- In areas of wake turb, windsheer, high crosswind or gusty conditions,
- Training is conducted in the sim for 50% flap landings,
- Form landings
When inflight icing conditions are forecast, what is the allowance to be added to the flight fuel to account for the additional fuel penalty associated with bleed air?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-102
- Increase the planned fuel usage by 15% if >190kts and 11% if <190kts for the duration of flight in icing conditions.
Fuel requirements for remote island destinations?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-103
Remote island destination requires an additional 60mins (TEMPO) fuel. An island is classed as remote when you are unable to carry sufficient fuel to reach an alternate.
What are the Pre-Flight variable fuel values?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-103
- AUS Domestic or <800nm - 5% up to a max of 1300lbs
- All other flights - 10% to a maximum of 2600lbs
Variable flight fuel values for contingencies
84WG SI(OPS) 03-103
- Engine Failure - 5% from ETP-1 (OEI) to a SUITABLE Airfield
- Depressurisation - 0% to an ACCEPTABLE Airfield
- Enroute Alternate - VAR IAW preflight variable values from ETP-A to a SUITABLE Airfield
When can you reduce APP fuel and to what?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-103
When weather is forecasted to be CAVOK, visual app is expected and wind is within the normal range APP fuel can be reduced to 700lbs.
Practice PFD Approach limits?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-104
- Ceiling must not be below alternate minima for the approach being flown.
- When the PF uses the PFD the PM must use the HUD as the primary attitude reference
- Unless flying with a QFI the landing MUST be a fullstop.
What serv equipment must you have to conduct a Maritime Letdown Procedure.
84WG SI(OPS) 03-104
- Altimeter
- Radar with ground map mode
MLP Configuration (QNH, RADALT, MINS, Radar and GCAS)
84WG SI(OPS) 03-104
QNH - Lowest forecast QNH
RADAR - Ground mapping mode
GCAS - Normal
When executing, ROD NB 1000fpm below LSALT and NB 500fpm in the final 1000ft of the descent.
When must you consult the PDM/Pre-told to determine if the TO/LDG is marginal.
84WG SI(OPS) 03-105
- Temp >ISA+15’
- Weight >135,000
- RWY Length <5000’
- Elevation >2000ft
- RCR 12 or less
- RSC any value
- Tailwind >5kts
When is a TO/LDG deemed as marginal?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-105
- RWY Width is <25m wide
- Vref is less than Vr
- LDA is less than LGR +2000
Max effort approaches must be flown if is deemed marginal
What is the minimum RWY length for TO?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-105 / Flying order
CFL< TROA - 500’
When should a RPC be conducted?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-105
Should be conducted for all departures except Long Range Cruise (LRC) and should be used for intermediate climbs.
When do you reduce power levers to RPC position AFTO?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-105
On completion of the AFTO Cx or if required at the appropriate safe altitude.
Minimum RWY length for landing?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-105
Sum of the LDG ground roll + Contingency allowance.
LGR + 500’ + 500’ for aimpoint for a two way strip.
How do you calculate LDA for LAHSO?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-105
LDA over 50’ obstacle multiplied by 1.43 for dry RWY or 1.67 for wet RWY
When is a TO considered a LVTO?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-106
RVR or RV less than 550m.
What is the definition of a SUITABLE, ACCEPTABLE alternate airfield?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-111
Suitable - Conditions are not below alternate and can support the intended operation
Acceptable - Conditions at or above landing minimal and can support intended operation
When is a T/O Alternate airfield required?
84WG SI(OPS) 03-111
When the departure airfield is below landing minima or is forecast to be below landing minima within 30 minutes of the departure time. Must be at least an acceptable airfield and no greater than 2 hours transit.