SI joint and Axial Skeleton Muscle and Joint Interactions Flashcards
What is the sacroiliac joint?
Junction between auricular surfaces of the sacrum and ilium, tight fitting for stability
What is the keystone of the pelvic ring?
The sacrum
Where is the sacrum located anatomically?
Wedged between the two ilia and secured bilaterally by the sacroiliac joints
What do the sacroiliac joints do?
transfer the weight of the upper body to the LE, shock absorber with heel pcontact
What percentage of LBP is from the SIJ as a origin?
What happens if leg length is not equal by 1 cm?
5X increased compression at the SIJ on the longer side
What does the anterior sacroiliac ligament do?
Thickening of the capsule
What does the iliolumbar ligament do?
Stabilizer of lumbosacral joint and SIJ
What does the Interosseous ligament do?
Fills the gap, strong like a syndesmosis at tib/fib
What does the sacrotuberous ligament do?
Blends with biceps femoris - broad attachment
Where does the sacrospinous ligament run?
Sacrum to ischial spine
What is the primary passive stabilizer for the SI joint?
Pelvic girdle ligaments
What SIJ innervation can cause pain?
Not clear the level, L5-S3 spinal nerve roots usually and less often L4-S2
Where can pain locations from the SIJ innervation be?
Ipsilateral lower lumbar region, medial buttock, PSIS, and along short and long SIJ ligs
What is the role of the thoracolumbar fascia?
An important role in mechanical stability of the low back and SIj
Where is the thoracolumbar fascia most extensive?
In the lower back, surrounds various muscle groups
Where is the sacral sulcus?
PSIS and up a tad superiorly and will feel a dip in, this is how we monitor the base of the sacrum
What is the sacral sit test?
Patient sits with your thumbs on their PSIS while they flex, both should move in a symmetrical position
What is the Sphinx test?
Patient is prone, comes up to elbows, you monitor sacral sulcus and ILAs to assess sacrum
What does ILA stand for?
Inferior lateral angles
How can we describe the sacral joint surface?
ear-shaped or L-shaped; vertical short arm and more horizontal long arm
What kind of cartilage is sacral articular cartilage?
White and smooth hyaline - from 1-3 mm
What prevents downward gliding of the sacrum?
Irregular ridges and depressions on the sacral joint surface that are matched by reciprocal shapes on the ilium, which interlock in contours
Why are the contours of the sacral joint surface variable?
Depending on age
The articular surface of the sacrum is twisted from _______ downwards
From above downwards like a propeller
The ilia side of the SIJ is also cartilage. What kind?
Fibrocartilage 1-2mm thickness