Axial Skeleton Muscle and Joint Interactions Flashcards
What happens once the spinal nerve exits the foramen?
Divides into ventral and dorsal ramus
What does the dorsal ramus form?
Nerves that innervate muscles / joints /skin of the posterior trunk and neck
What does the ventral ramus form?
Nerves to innervate muscles/joints/skin of anterior/lateral trunk, neck, and extremities
What does the ventral ramus become?
AN individual nerve or a plexus
Where is the dorsal ramus dermatome?
Across most of the posterior trunk
Where does the dorsal ramus branch from? (generally)
Every spinal nerve root
What are the 4 major plexi?
Cervical - C1-4
Thoracic- C5-T1
Lumbar - T12-L4
Sacral - L4-S4
What ligaments does the dorsal ramus innervate?
ligaments posterior side of vertebrae; capsule of facets; dorsal ligaments of SIJ
What are the individual nerve branches from the ventral plexus?
Intercostal and recurrent meningeal
What is torque?
A measure of the force that causes an object to rotate around an axis
What can torque also be defined as?
The rotational equivalent of linear force
What kind of quantity is torque?
Vector quantity
What is the internal torque equal to?
The product of the muscle force and its internal moment arm
What is the strength of a muscle action equal to?
The distance and spatial orientation of the muscle’s line of force relative to the axis of rotation
What muscles are in the superficial layers of the back?
- trapezius
- latissimus dorsi
- rhomboids
- levator scapula
- serratus anterior
What muscles are in the intermediate layer of the back?
- serratus posterior superior
- serratus posteiror inferior
What are the three groups of the deep layer?
- Erector spinae group (spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis)
- Transversospinal group (semispinalis muscles, multifidi, rotatores)
- Short segments group (interspinalis muscles, intertransversarius muscles)
What is the innervation of the deep layer of the back?
Dorsal rami innervation
What do the muscles of the back do as they get deeper?
Become progressively shorter/more angulated
Where is the erector spinae group?
ill-defined one hands width from the SP
- deep to thoracolumbar fascia
What torque is large at the erector spinae group?
Where are the attachments of the common tendon of the erector spinae?
- spinal tubercles of the sacrum
- spinous processes and supraspinous ligaments in the lower thoracic and entire lumbar region
- iliac crests
- sacrotuberous and sacroiliac ligaments
- Glut max
- multifidi
Where is the multifidi?
- posterior sacrum to C2
- TP to SP one or 2-4 vertebrae above
Where is the multifidi thickest?
In the lumbar region, 2/3 of muscular stabilizing capacity
What space is filled by the multifidi?
Between TP/SP
What should be know about rotatores?
- deepest
- most well developed in T/STP - lamina/base of SP 1-2 above
The short segments group crosses what?
1 intervertebral junction
The short segments group is most developed where?
In the cervical region
What ligament does the short segments group blend with?
Interspinous ligament
What is the short segment group rich in?
Muscle spindles and sensory feedback
Where does the multifidi attach inferiorly?
- mammillary process of lumbar vertebrae
- lumbosacral ligaments
- deeper part of the common tendon of the erector spinae
- posterior surface of the sacrum
- posterior-superior iliac spine of pelvis
- Capsule of apophyseal joints
What do the muscles of the anterior-lateral trunk do?
Support and protect viscera, increase intrathoracic and intrabdominal pressure
What forms the linea alba?
Anterior and posterior rectus sheaths
What are the two types of diastasis recti?
protruding and not protruding