Si Hubiera… Flashcards
(If I could have,) I would have liked to sing in a group.
(Si hubiera podido,) me hubiera gustado cantar en un grupo.
(If I had been a teacher) I think I would have been good at it and maybe I would have liked it even more.
(Si hubiera sido profesor) creo que se me habría dado bien e incluso quizás me hubiera gustado más.
(If I had lived abroad for a while,) I would have learned a language well, I would have met a lot of people.
(Si hubiera vivido un tiempo el extranjero,) habría aprendido bien un idioma, habría conocido a un montón de gente.
I guess if I had a lot of failed love affairs, that wouldn’t have made me happy either.
Supongo que si hubiera tenido un montón de fracasos amorosos, eso tampoco me habría hecho feliz.