Showcase 17th April (RP + CCA) Flashcards
What Risks should be included in a Division’s or a Critical Operation’s Risk Profile?
Only the Risks that may eventuate during the execution of the Division or Critical Operation’s processes.
What is a benefit of Risk Profiling being agnostic to Divisions/COs?
Risk Profiling will be consistent across the Enterprise
Will ownership of divisional Risk Profiles be aligned to FAR?
What is FAR and what does it do?
Financial Accountability Regime.
Imposes a strengthened responsibility accountability and framework for entities in the banking, insurance, and superannuation industries and their directors and senior executives.
When did FAR commence?
March 2024
What are two reasons to be process-led?
- CPS 230 requirement
- Industry best practice
Will Divisional/Critical Operation boundaries simplify Risk Profiling?
Who should perform Risk Profiling?
Risk Manager
Considering the risk bowtie, what are 3 components of risk (not considering controls)?
- Event (L3 Risk)
- Cause (what causes the event)
- Impact (impacts of the event)
Considering the risk bowtie, what is the flow of risks eventuating?
Cause > Event > Impact
What is a risk bowtie?
A visualization tool that helps us understand how the components of risk and controls work together.
In the context of the risk bowtie, what is the function of preventative controls?
Preventative controls aim to prevent the event from occurring.
In the context of the risk bowtie, what is the function of detective controls?
Detective controls identify events before they cause significant damage.
In the context of the risk bowtie, what is the function of corrective controls?
Corrective controls correct for the impact of events.
What is the first step in risk profiling?
Determine applicable L3 Risks.
Why do we want to start risk profiling by looking at L3 risks?
- It is too difficult to determine L1 MREs at first because they’re so broad.
- We want to leverage risks existing in operations first.
How many L3 risks sit under the 20 non-financial MREs?
Why do bottom-up instead of top-down?
More clarity at and a lot more to look at.
What level do we report risks at, and what level do we manage risks at?
Report at MRE (L1) level.
Manage at L3.
When do we look at MREs?
After applicable L3 risks are determined.
How often is Risk Profiling performed?
Once per year (cyclical basis) unless something else triggers a Risk Profile refresh.
What is the current state of risk descriptions?
They are currently very poorly written and inconsistent.
How do we want risk descriptions to be written in future?
Clear detail regarding the risk’s cause and impacts, with reference to relevant cause/impact taxonomies.
What is a summary of the 11 steps of Risk Profiling (excluding steps for exclusion rationales) that VG made with ORM?
- Determine applicable L3 risks
- Complete MRE determination
- Create L3 risk records
- Prepare L3 risk description
- Complete CCA (L3)
- Complete RRA (L3)
- Complete TRA (L3)
- Determine risk response (L3)
- Create L1 risk record(s)
- Validate CCA, RRA & TRA (L1)
- Validate risk response (L1)
* Risk profiling completed