Shoulder special tests Flashcards
Special Test:
- seated, standing behind client
- palpate inferior angle
- other hand proximal to clients elbow, passively - - abduct humerus noting when inferior angle begins to move
Adhesive Capsulitis Test
Adhesive Capsulitis Test - Positive result?
result for frozen shoulder has painful, leathery end feel anywhere before 90 abduction
axillary is fibrosed so scapula begins to move before 90 degrees abduction
Apley’s Scratch Test - Positive
just looking for if P and where P is present or decreased movement compared on each side
Painful Arc - Positive
pain starting at 70 abduction
(eases off after 130 abduction)
Rockwood test - Positive
marked apprehension w anterior pain when arm is tested at 90
at 45 and 120 the client shows uneasiness and pain
0 = rarely apprehension
Push-Pull test - Positive
if more than 50% posterior translation occurs / P then posterior instability is suspected
Feagin test - Positive
look of appreshion on pt’s face
Hawkins Kennedy Impingement test - positive
Neer impingement test - positive
Supraspinatus strength test (empty can) -positive
weakness or pain indicates tear of supraspinatus tendon or mm, or neuropathy of suprascapular nerve
Infraspinatus strength test - positive
pain/weakness along infra
Subscapularis strength test - positive
pain/weakness along subscapularis
Abrasian sign - positive
crepitus, sign rotator cuff tendons are frayed and abrading under surfaces of acromion process and coracoacromial ligament
Lift off sign - positive
inability to lift hand off back indicates subscap lesion
scapular instability - may see scapular winging
Pec Major Contracture - positive
if elbows don’t reach table - indicates tight pec major mm
Acromioclavicular Shear test - positive
P or excessive/abnormal movement of joint
Ac joint sprain
Drop Arm (Codman’s) test - positive
client is unable to return arm smoothly /slowly to the side indicating rotator cuff tear
Speed’s Test - positive
tenderness in biciptal groove when arm is supinated
= bicipital paratenonitis or tendinosis