Shoulder injuries Flashcards
How and what occurs during Glenohumeral Dislocation
Arm is forced into excessive abduction and external roatation
labrum is damaged, fractures occur to glenoid rim or the humeral head
Treatment of Acute Gelnohumeral dislocation
Sling complete rest, ice and painkillers 3 days to 3 weeks
Sub acute treatment of glenohumeral dislocation
Massage for stiff overworking muscles
taping for stability and posture
Strengthen rotator cuff: SITS
Scapular stabilisation: traps levatator scapular
What are some exercises for sub acute glenohumeral disloction
Internal and external rotation with the elbow flexed to 90degrees and elbow close to body
kneeling use a swiss ball to roll out the effected arm
progression do it standing against the wall
What is the mechanism behind rotator cuff strains/tears?
Minor tears caused by awkward movements often to the supraspinatus
some loss of movement and can lead to impingement due to loss of stength
what are the symptoms of rotator cuff strains
sudden onset of pain
weakness and restricted movement
What are the treatments for rotator cuff strains
Grade 1 : should heal naturally if protected, massage
grade 2: Gradual treatment, gain ROM, strenghten SIPS, stretch deltoids
Grade3: surgery
What is the mechanism behind Shoulder impingement
Rotator cuff tendons are impinged as they pass through the subacrominal space (8-12mm)
Causes irritation/damage to the tendons and bursa
what are the symptoms of shoulder impingement
vague pain around biceps and shoulders
pain with overhead activities
painful arc
insidious onset or overuse
what are some of the causes of shoulder impingement?
Bony spur, AC joint arthrosis, rotator cuff disease, poor posture, old age, shoulder instability
what are the treatments for shoulder impingement?
Avoid painfull movements assisted abduction in sidelying to help gliding of the humeral head taping to fix posture exercises to strengthen back stretches for the chest