shoulder Flashcards
what is the scapula plane
30 degrees of being anterior to the coronal or frontal plane
two opposing muscular forces working together to enable a particular motion to occur is called what
muscular force couple
what happens during arm elevation
the deltoid provides force in a superior direction
the rotator cuff must provide a compressive force
what muscles are functioning in the initial arm elevation of 0-80 degrees
upper trapezius and serattus anterior
what muscle functions when the arm is elevated btw 80-140 degree and also acts as the primary scapula stabilizer
lower traps and the serattus anterior
what happens in the glenohumeral resting position
there is a loose pack position
there is maximumm ROM
minimum tension around the surrounding joints
50-70 degree of abduction in the scapular plane
symptoms to investigate in the shoulder
previous subluxation
neurological conditions like tingling
vascular symptoms
explain why and how we do scapula slide test
why .. to evaluate the stabilizing muscles of the scapula under diff positions of the glenohumeral joint
- arms by the side
- arms akimbo
- arms abducted to 90 deg and internally rotated
measure the inferior angle of the spine of scapula and the nearest thoracic vertebrae
if compared bilaterally and theres a diff of 1.5 cm then theres a positive test means theres an injury or weakness in the stabilizing muscles of the scapula
kiblers scapula assisstance test
first thing to know is that there is going to be a scapula dyskenesia…. i.e hypermobility or hypomobility of the scapula
in the case of hypomobility mobilization is used
in the case of hypermobility stabilazation is used
in asisstiance test there is hypomobility
the patient does active elevation or flexion of the arm
and the pt pushes the posterior part of the scapula anteriorly
if theres less pain and more rom then the test is positive
if theres no pain then the test is negative
scapula retraction test
winging of scapula is noticed or a hypermobility is noticed
you ask the patient to actively elevate the arm and you bring the scapula to a retracted position as you ask the patient to elevate the arm again
a reduction in the symptoms and the improvement of rom indicates a positive test
this is also done to strenghten the rhomboid and seratus anterior
empty can test
why,,, to asses if theres a tear in the supraspinatus muscle or tendon
how…. patient should flex arm to 90 deg and arm should be in the scapula plane as arm is rotated downwards
stabilize the scapula and resist arm while holding the forearm as the patient tries to raise the arm upwards
test is positive if theres pain or weakness with the resistance
if theres a pain and weakness in the supraspinatus then this indicates what respectively
pain. … tendinopathy
weakness. .. tear
lag sign test external rotation
we do this test to see if theres a rotator cuff tear
passively bring the arm to a 90 deg abduction in the scapula plane and lift the forearm up 90 deg
ask the patient to hold this position
if he cant hold this position then the test is positive
what test is used to asses for the rupture of the subscapularis
lift off or gabers test
what test is used to asses pain in the subacromial space and is also used for impingement syndrome
neers test
patient in sitting position as the pt is behind and stabilizes the scapula while the arm is passively flexed and internally rotated
if patient feels pain then test is positive
hawkins test
to test for shoulder impingemnet
passively bring patients arm to 90 deg of flexion while the patients arms is rested on yours then internally rotate arm
test is positive if theres a pain
which test is used to assses biceps pathology
speeds test
arm in 90 deg flexion and the forearm supinated as the pt resists the wrsits as the patient moves to 90 deg flexion
pain or weakness shows positive test
yergusson test
to check for the pathology of the biceps
shoulder by the sides
elbow 90 deg flexed and the foream is pronated
1 of the pts arm should rest on the anterior shoulder patient actively supinating the forearm and rotating externally as you resist the external rotation movement
pain in anterior shoulder shows a positive test
what test is used to asses the anterior acromial joint
scarf test
touch the other side of the shoulder
if the pateint cant reach it then the test is positive