Shouder MMT & ROM Flashcards
What muscles are the GH protectors?
RC; Supra, infra, teres minor, subscap
Scapular positioners
Traps, SA, rhomboids
Pecs and Lats
Order of rehab - 4 Ps
GH protectors, scapular positioners, GH power, shoulder propellor
Shoulder flexion muscles
Biceps, coracobrachialis, pec major, supraspinatus, anterior and middle deltoid
How much flexion does GH do?
Shoulder extension muscles
Lats, posterior delt, teres major, triceps (long head)
How much abd does GH do?
Shoulder abd muscles
Middle deltoid, Supra, biceps long head
Shoulder add muscles
Lats, pec major, teres maj/min
Shoulder ER muscles
Infra, teres minor, post delt
Shoulder IR muscles
Subscap, teres major, Lats, pec major
Combined motions for behind the back
IR, ext, and add
Combined motions for behind the head
ER, flex, abd
Combined motions for cross body reach
Flex, horizontal add