Shot Types and Angles Flashcards
Establishing shot/extreme long shot
Orientates viewer: where are we?
Subject very small in relation to viewer
Long shot
Whole of character and much background
Covers action
Medium long shot
Cuts off at knee
Medium shot
Cuts off at chest
Person holding/using something
Two shot
About interaction between characters/relationship
Medium close up
Head and shoulders
Close up
Full face
Draws attention to expression/emotion
Extreme close up
Focus on element of face
Bridging shot
Any shot which takes us through period of time
Sequence shot
Accommodates different shots within frame
Or camera is still while action happens
Locked-down shot
Camera stays still
Character walks in/out of frame
Library shot
‘Library’ of generic shots spliced in
Matte shot
Fake backdrop - old movies had pictures for immense backdrops etc
Money shot
Most expensive shot in film, e.g. explosion
Depth of field
Background and foreground, how in focus they are
Deep focus
Everything is in focus - not naturalistic
Rack focus
Either foreground or background is in focus
Fish eye
e.g. Security in doors, keyholes, reflection in spoon
Arial/bird’s eye
Show photography of location
High angle
Makes person seem smaller/weaker
Straight ahead, neutral view of situation
Low angle
Makes person bigger, more dominant
Worm’s eye
Extreme low angle
Opposite of POV, looking at main thing
Point of view
Confrontational, 2 people communicating, continuity of conversation
Canted angle (Dutch angle)
Camera isn’t level - not a balanced frame
Off kilter