Shortest paths algorithms Flashcards
What is the generic algorithm for finding delta(s,v) for all v’s?
- d(s)=0, d(v)=infinity
while (exists an edge (u,v) for which d(v)>d(u)+w(u,v):
- find such an edge and call Relax(u,v,w)
- return d(v) for every v
Lower bound claim
All along the run of the algorithm, for all v, the inequality: d(v)>=delta(s,v) is satisfied, and if d(v)
proof that claim.
Using induction on the number of Relax operations
base: after initilization
- v is not s, delta(s,v)
- d(s)=0 = delta(s,s)
Induction assumption
- by the end of the i-1 step, the assumption is satisfied.
- Let’s look at Relax on the ith step.
case 1: no update
- array d stays the same
case 2: updated
- d(v)-the only one that has changed.
- d(v)=d(u)+w(u,v)
- d(u)>=delta(s,u) (by I.A)
delta(s,u)+w(u,v) >= delta(s,v)
- observation.
- d(v)>= delta(s,u)+w(u,v)>=delta(s,v)
since d(v) is updated:
- d(v)
- d(u) - a weight of some Psu.
- d(v)=d(u)+w(u,v)*-**weight of Psu+(u,v)*
What is the correctness statement for the generic algorithm?
If through the run of the algorithm, for every edge (u,v), d(v)<=d(u)+w(u,v) is satisfied(that is, the algorith, stops), then, for every v, d(v)=delta(s,v).
What is the correctness statement proof for the generic algorithm, in case it stops?
Assume the algorithm stopped
- for all (u,v) in E, d(v)<=d(u)+w(u,v)
Assume in negation: there exists x in V s.t:
- d(x) != delta(s,x)
- Let Psx the lightest path from s to x.
let v be the first vertex in P s.t. d(v) != delta(s,v)
- by the lower bound claim: d(v)>delta(s,v)
let u be the preceding vertex to v in P
- d(u) = delta(s,u)
By sub-paths of a shortests path prinicipal
- delta(s,u)+w(u,v)=delta(s,v).
- contradiction
What is the “full” correctness statement of the generic algorithm?
What is the exact definition of
rooted tree in vertex s
Directed graph is called rooted tree in vertex s if every vertex in the graph is accessible from s, and it is accessible only via one path
Which data structure can help us maintain a rooted tree in vertex s?
It can be maintaind via array of length |V|
- The index of a cell represents some vertex*
- The content of cell v is former(v)*
“lightest paths tree T for graph G and source s”
what is it?
It is a rooted tree in vertex s which satisfies:
for every v, the only path from s to v in T is the lightest path from s to v in G.
General algorithm, what claims are used in order to prove the correctness statement?
Generic algorithm, how the first claim is proved?
- N.T.F - d(u) = delta(s,u)
- lower bound claim - d(u)>=delta(s,u)
d(v)=d(u)+w(u,v) = delta(s,v)
- last Relax operation -> d(v)=delta(s,u)
- delta(s,v)<= delta(s,u)+w(u,v)
d(u)+w(u,v) = delta(s,v)<=delta(s,u)+w(u,v)
- d(u)<=delta(s,u)
d(u)>=delta(s,u) & d(u)<=delta(s,u)
- d(u) = delta(s,u)
General algorithm, proof for the 2nd claim.
What is the induction based on
It is based on the size of V’. That is, |V’|.
Genereal algorithm, proof of the 2nd claim.
What is the base case for the induction proof?
- |V’| = 1.*
That is:
- V’ = {s}
- E’ = empty set.
- Generic algorithm, proof of the 2nd claim.*
- what is the step in the induction?*
- we look at the next vertex v to be added into V’. That is, the next vertex for which d(v) = delta(s,v).*
- N.T.S: T=(V’ U {v}, E’ U {former(v),v})* is a shortest paths tree.
Generic algorithm, proof of the 2nd claim.
What is the proof for the step phase of the induction?
According to the 1st claim: d(v)=delta(s,v) means:
- former(v) = delta(s,former(v))
- therefore, former(v) is in V’ too.
Proof: T is a tree.
- (V’,E’) is a tree.
- former(v) is in V’
- we added an edge from former(v) to a new vertex v in V’.
proof: T is a shortest paths tree from s
- I.A holds for all other vertices. N.T.F for v.
The path Psv in T is composed of:
- Psformer(v) + (former(v),v)
- by the assumption: d(v)=delta(s,v)
- by claim 1: d(former(v)) = delta(s,former(v))
- w(Psv)=w(Psformer(v))+w(former(v),v) =
- delta(s,former(v))+w(fomer(v),v)=d(v) = delta(s,v)
Generic algorithm, what is the proof for the correctness statement, using the claims.
- If the algorithm stops, then we proved that for all v, d(v) = delta(s,v) is satisfied.*
- Therefore, the Tree V’=V E’={(former(v),v): v!=s} can be created, and by the 2nd claim - G = (V’,E’) is a lightests paths tree from s in G.*.
Dijstra, which graphs can it handle?
Directed or undirected graphs with non-negative weights.
Dijstra, which problem can it solve?
Finding the shortest paths from source s to all vertices.
_Dijstra, write exactly the Relax(u,v,w(u,v)) procedure_
Dijstra, show me the initilization step.
You are given G=(V,E),s,w
Dijstra, what is the loop step in the algorithm?
How is Dijkstra’s algorithm implemented?
what’s his run-time? divide it to operation on Q and operations on the array d
- Q is maintained by a minimum heap in which d(v) is a key.*
- we push mininum d(v) from Q using ExtractMin.*
- Q*
- Initilization of Q - O(|V|)
- There are exactly |V| Extract-Min operations.
- There are at most |E| Relax operations, which decreases the value of d(v). This implies O(|E|) decrease-key(v) operations (log(|V|)). In total - O(|E|log|V|).
- d
- Initializing d and s - O(|V|)
- |E| Relax operations on d(v), each O(1). O(|E|)
- In total: O(|E|+|V|).
In total: O(|E| log|V|)
Dijkstra, what is the lower bound claim?
That is, d(v) is always greater equal to the value of the lightest path.
Dijkstra, What is the correctness statement?
When the algorithm is done, for all v, d(v)=delta(s,v)
- Dijkstra, which observation is used in the proof?*
- Explain it.*
Once vertex u is being added to S, d(u) does not change.
- After u is being added to S, we execute Relax operation on vertex v from U, which share an edge with u. The updated value is d(v), and is again, is not chosen from S.
Dijkstra, what is the first claim?
Claim 1:
- After Relax(u,v), d(v)<= d(u)+w(u,v) is satisfied through all the remaining steps of the algorithm.
Diskjstra, what is the proof for the first claim?
By the end of Relax(u,v):
- d(v)=min{d(v),d(u)+w(u),v} is satisfied.
- That is, d(v)<= d(u)+w(u,v)
- Relax is performed due to the insertion of u into S.
- According to the observation: d(u) will not further change.
- In contrast, d(v) might change, but only decrease, so the inequality holds.
Dijkstra, what is the helping statement?
When vertex u is being added to S d(u)=delta(s,u) is satisfied.
That is, d(u) holds the value for the lightest path
Dijkstra, what is the proof for the correctness statement?
Proof of the correctness statement
In each step a vertex shifts from Q to S
- After |V| iterations, S=V and the algorithm stops.
- By the helping statement, when vertex u enters S:
- d(u) = delta(s,u)
- By the observation, this value does not change.