Short Answer Questions Flashcards
Why does John show John the Baptist almost running himself down?
o John is probably addressing the disciples of John the Baptist who might still be around
Ephesus and who were elevating John the Baptist to a much higher position (maybe even
than Jesus!).
o John constantly points to Jesus as greater than himself (1:26-27); that Jesus is the Lamb
of God that takes away the sins of the world (1:29); that John was not the Christ (3:28)
and that Jesus must increase while John decreases (3:30)
Where do the Synoptics place the temple cleansing?
At the end of Jesus’ ministry after the Triumphal entry and before his death.
Where does John place the temple cleansing?
At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. It is almost as if John is showing an “inclusio” (book ends) in the life of Christ.
What does Jesus’ discussion of destroying the temple become a “sign” for?
That he would raise himself after 3 days (John 2:19-21)
How does Jesus usually begin his discussions with people and what is the outcome?
He usually starts with talking about something physical (water, bread, birth) and moves to a spiritual
concept but people usually fail to understand.
Who was Nicodemus?
A Pharisee, member of the Sanhedrin, ruler of the Jews, becomes a
private/hidden disciple of Jesus, Teacher of Israel
What does the term “born again” indicate?
It can also mean “born from above,” it is something the Spirit does, it is imparting spiritual life.
What does born of water and spirit probably mean?
Some think that water indicates baptism, but more likely it’s speaking of physical birth vs. spiritual birth (parallelism)
Does Jesus really mean we are to literally eat his flesh and drink his blood in John 6, what does he mean?
No, he is not speaking literally (like usual he is moving from something physical to something spiritual) but the context indicates “belief” is how we “take him in” John 6:29, 36, 40, 64, 68)
What does the term “parakletos” mean?
Counselor, Comforter, Advocate, Helper, one who comes alongside to help (John 14:26; 17:7)
What is the significance of “hour” in Jesus’ ministry?
the hour speaks of Christ’s death and glorification (John 17:1). He first mentions it in 2:4 (my hour is not yet come). They could not
arrest him because his hour had not yet come (7:30; 8:20).
What was THE big sign that Jesus’ the hour had come?
The arrival of the Gentiles in 12:20-23 (my hour has come – perhaps because the world is coming now); Jesus knew his hour had come 12:27; 13:1.