Occasion/Purpose – Why was he writing? Flashcards
What verse sums up John’s purpose statement?
John 20:31 “But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you will
have life”
John is writing to second and third generation Christians to encourage belief that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that by believing they may have eternal life.
How does John try to “contextualize the Gospel” for his predominately Gentile readers?
To make it understandable to his Gentile readers he explains/translates Jewish things using Greek ideas and terms like logos, truth, light, & darkness
What heresies is John trying to combat with his Gospel?
a. Gnosticism
b. Docetism
What is Gnosticism?
The idea that matter is evil and God could not take on human form.
John writes to say that is exactly what happened (1:14)
What is Docetism?
Docetism denies the physical incarnation of Christ (1:14) and says that Jesus was more like a Phantom who only “appeared” (dokeo) to be human.