Short Answer Questions Flashcards
What is classical theism and why is the language classical theists use so strange?
Classical theism is the fundamental ideas of metaphysics, epistemology, and analogical language used by the church throughout history in an attempt to be consistent with scripture. This language appears odd because in most cases it uses terms that are analogical, meaning terms that are originally for the finite which are being applied as similar to the infinite.
What do we mean when we speak of the “incomprehensibility” of God? What do we not mean?
We mean that God cannot be fully known by man as he is wholly different from creation. We do not mean that he cannot be known at all, but rather that he can only be known in so far as he is revealed in his works and in scripture.
What is natural theology?
Natural theology is the study of what can be learned about God by observing the natural world.
What biblical and theological problems arise if we deny divine simplicity?
Denying divine simplicity is an argument for God having parts. Having parts makes God subject to change and he can no longer be independent, infinite, omniscient, or omnipresent as a result. Put simply, it makes God require a creator and not be God.
Scripture affirms that God is spirit and that God is invisible. How do we reconcile this with statements in Scripture about God’s hands or His eyes?
Phrases like “God’s hand” are speaking analogically about God’s power. They are not making statements about what is true of God’s essence, which we know from clearer statements in Scripture which indicate that God is Spirit.
When we say that God is omnipotent, does that mean we are saying that God can create a square circle? Explain.
No, God cannot do things that are logically impossible and he is not any less for it. This is because he is perfect, he would be less than omnipotent is he could attempt things that were illogical or sinful. Not being able to do these things exults God further rather than limits him.
What is the difference between God’s necessary knowledge and his free knowledge?
Omniscience generally refers to God’s knowledge of all things. This falls into two categories, free and necessary. Free is knowledge of what God has made and who he is. Necessary is knowledge of what God could make hypothetically external to himself.
What theological problems arise when someone talks about God “looking down the corridors of time” and making decisions based on what he sees?
There has to be something for God to “look at” eternally, meaning he is not the only eternal being. He is also not Lord over creation as much as he is actually ruled by some outside concept of time in this view. It makes God dependent on man’s decisions.
In the fourth century, what groups were teaching the subordination of the Son within the Trininty?
The Arians, the Neo-Arians, and the Homoian Arians.
What are the six parameters of Nicene Trinitarian Orthodoxy as discussed in class?
- God is One being and three persons. 2. Consubstantiality 3. The order of the persons (relations, Father to Son to Spirit. This is directional and not temporal or hierarchical.) 4. Divine simplicity (God has no parts). 5. Inseparable Operations 6. Analogous language
In Trinitarian theology, what are the names of the two “processions”?
Eternal Generation and Eternal Spiration
What are the four real relations resulting from the two processions?
Eternal Generation
A. Paternity: Relation of the Father to the Son.
B. Filiation: Relation of the Son to the Father
Eternal Spiration
A. Active Spiration: Relation of the Father to the Spirit
B. Passive Spiration: Relation of the Son to the Spirit
Why does orthodox Trinitarianism assert that the ad extra works of the Trinity are undivided?
This is because God is one. The three persons act together because there is one will of God. To believe otherwise would create three Gods and thus Tri-theism.
What is the divine decree?
The internal work of God that moves and directs the external works, Opera Dei ad intra.
In the divine decree, as outlined by the Westminster Confession of Faith, does God decree whatsoever comes to pass in such a way that He is the author of sin?
No, as God is good he cannot be the author of sin. But it must be good for God to decree that his creatures freely sin from eternity.
In the divine decree, as outlined by the Westminster Confession of Faith, does God decree whatsoever comes to pass in such a way that violence is offered to the will of the creatures?
No, the decree to allow sin is as a primary cause declaring that creatures freely behave in this fashion. Thus the will of the creature is untouched in this matter.
In the divine decree, as outlined by the Westminster Confession of Faith, does God decree whatsoever comes to pass in such a way that the liberty or contingency of second causes is taken away?
No, the decree preserves the Liberty of creatures and secondary causes which are upheld by God eternally as he maintains them.
What is the fundamental difference between supralapsarianism and infralapsarianism?
Both are a statement about the logical order of the decree and make no statement of temporal direction. Supralapsarianism argues that God decreed the elect logically before the Fall and Infralapsarianism argues for declaring the elect after the fall.
What are the two parts of predestination? Define each.
God saves some for eternal life - Election
The rest of humanity who are designated for destruction (as stated in Jude 4).
What does creation ex nihilo mean, and what does it not mean?
Ex nihilo is Latin for “from nothing”. Means that God did not use any material or sub-stratum for creation. He made creation of himself as the source, though what he makes is not divine like he is.
How are providence and creation related?
Providence is how God operates in creation and upholds it in view of his internal decree. It is not identical with creation, but rather is connected to it.
What are the three elements of providence? Briefly define each.
Conservation - Maintaining creation’s existence
Governance - God directing all things to his goal
Concurrence - ongoing support of all secondary causes, whether free, contingent, and necessary