Muller Definitions Flashcards
Actus Purus
Latin, “Pure/Perfect Actualization/Actuality” God is pure being in potency and absolutely eternally perfect and fulfilled in himself.
Latin for “analogy” Relation of likeness between two beings or analogates. It has two forms called analogia attributionis (analogy of attribution) and analogia proportionalitatis (analogy of proportionality)
Latin, for “having being from one’s self”. it means from selfness as opposed to abalietas, “from anotherness”
Latin for “cause”. That which brings about motion or mutation (where motion here is equivalent to change)
Latin for “decree”. The decree is the actual willing or expression of that decision, which is free, absolute, inalterable, logically antecedent to all things, and predicated only on the nature of the divine essence.
Ex Nihilo
Latin “Out of Nothing”. Referring to the diving creation of the world not out of pre-existent and therefore eternal materials but out of non-being. Nothing here is a genuine empty space that does not limit God.
Greek, “of the same substance, consubstantial” It ultimately indicates the numerical unity of essence in the three divine persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit against the Arian contention of three distinct substances.
Latin for “law”, Generally what has been manifested by God and used in reference to law being as general as all of scripture or as specific as the specific tenets of the ceremonial law. There are four main types, eternal law, natural law, human law, and divine law.
Opera Dei
Latin, “The works of God”. A term applied to creation, the preservation of creation, and the decree.
Opera Dei ad Extra
Latin, “the outward or external works of God” divine activities according to which God creates, sustains, and otherwise relates to all finite things
Opera Dei ad Intra
Latin for “The inward or internal works or activities of God.” The internal works of God without relation to external things, both personal and essential.
Opera Trinitatis ad extra sunt indivisa
Latin for “The ad extra (or external) works of the Trinity are undivided.” Since God is one in essence, all persons of the Godhead operate in actions external to God even though some actions may be predicated of one person.
Latin for “Power, potential, potency, efficacy”. Can be either active or operative potency, which is capacity to effect something or of exercising and efficacy or efficiency in action; and passive potency, in the sense of being capable of existing or being acted upon.
Praemotio Physica
Latin for “physical premotion”. Reflective of the idea that God is the source of all motion in the universe.
Prima Causa
Latin for “The first cause”. God is the cause of all things, noncontingent, necessary being whose causal activity sets in motion all contingent causes and their effects