short answer Flashcards
angles and shots
images, illustrations, photos
low/high/eye-level and extreme close up/close up/ mid/ long/ full/ establishing
body language and facial expressions
images, illustrations, photos
how and where a figure stands/facial expression can tell us a lot about their emotional or mental state
and their relationships with others
images, illustrations, photos
use of shading, light and dark to emphasise difference and to create form and mood
compositional axes, vertical axis - left side
images, illustrations, photos
given - elements of an image are known/understoof by the viewer, making these elements a familiar and agreed-upon departure point for the message
compositional axes, vertical axis - right side
images, illustrations, photos
new - elements of an image placed here are representations of what is not yet known and thus crucial to the point of the message
images, illustrations, photos
arrangement t of opposing elements (light vs dark, large vs small, rough vs smooth)
to create interest, excitement, drama or emphasis
depth of hue
images, illustrations, photos
deep intense colours give value or strength
high value colours (intense)
images, illustrations, photos
low-value colours
images, illustrations, photos
focal point, salient point
images, illustrations, photos
most important point in an image
images, illustrations, photos
where the figures in the image are looking, including the angle, intensity and expression of their look or gaze
images, illustrations, photos
warm or cool, primary or secondary, black or white or monochrome. various colours have symbolic meaning
layout or composition
images, illustrations, photos
the arrangement and choice of text and images can convey a particular message
e.g. putting a character in the centre of the page or at the edges will change the way we view them
images, illustrations, photos
how is lighting used in an image can be telling i.e. degree of brightness, direction of the source of light to indicate meaning to the reader
e.g. shadows could suggest something is hidden about a character, brights lights suggest a sense of hope
images, illustrations, photos
contour lines outline shame
gesture lines suggest movement
e.g. crosshatching, vertical, diagonal, curved, straight, zig-zag, thick, thin