Shock Syndromes Flashcards
Perfusion defects
Perfusion can be decreased globally or locally.
A local perfusion defect is due to localised vessel occlusion eg stroke or a myocardial infarction.
A global perfusion reduction is due to a reduction in the perfusion pressure (arterial BP) and effects all tissues/organs.
- Compensatory mechanisms ensure that some organs are affected before others.
- Local vessel disease may make tissues less tolerant of a drop in perfusion pressure. Eg if blood pressure falls, an individual with cronary vessel disease will experience myocardial ischaemia at a higher BP than someone with normal coronary vessels.
What is shock?
Difficult to clearly define, because it is not a single disease.
Key features of the shock syndrome:
- Inadequate tissue perfusion
- Includes impaired cellular oxygenation
- Affects multiple organ systems
- If severe enough, becomes self sustaining and progressive.
Progression of shock
- Compensated shock
- Progressive stage: reversible if treated.
- Irreversible stage: decompensated shock where irreversible multi-organ damage occurs.
What are the downstream complications of reduced perfusion?
- Anaerobic metabolism
- Inflammation
- Increased production of reactive oxygen species (free radical)
- Coagulation abnormalities.
Types of shock
Hypovolaemic: inadequate circulating volume e.g. haemorrhage
- __Haemorrhagic
- Non-haemorrhagic
- Cardiogenic: failure of the heart as a pump e.g. decreased myocardial contractility after MI.
- Distributive: vasodilation with increased vascular capacity, maldistribution of blood flow and volume eg septic shock
- Obstructive: extracardiac obstruction of blood flow eg cardiac tamponade or massive PE
Haemorrhagic shock
Concealed: eg ruptured spleen; or
Revealed: eg. limb injury
Non-haemorrhagic shock
Loss of total body water eg severe dehyydration from diarrhoea/vomiting; or
**Redistribution **from vascular to extravascular space (called third spacing) eg pancreatitis.
Why does fall in BP lag behind the fall in CO?
If cardiac output falls, then we would expect MAP to fall. In reality we can remove 20-30% of the blood volume without a significant fall in BP.
This is because of the blood pressure control mechanisms which affect HR, SV and TPR.
Baroreceptor reflex and chemoreceptors
Increased SNS
- Tachycardia
- Increased contractility
- Increased arteriolar vasoconstriction in most of the systemic circulation increases TPR
- Venoconstriction increases venous return
Decreased PNS
- Increased HR
Renin angiotensin system
- Increased vasoconstriction
- Increased renal Na+ reabsorption
- Aldosterone release from adrenal cortex
What causes the secon plateau in arterial BP?
The CNS ischaemic reflex.
If BP is low enough, cerebral perfusion pressure will fall and result in CNS ischaemic. Local concentration of CO2 incresaes.
High CO2 in the medulla stimulates the vasomotor centers to result in massive SNS output to the heart, vessels and adrenals.
Therefore, very low BP produces a massive SNS activation.
This is not a normal control mechanism for day to day BP control, but rather a last ditch method of salvaging some cerebral perfusion when BP is very low (<40mmHg).
Long term compensatory mechanisms in shock.
Arteriolar constriction and reduced venous pressure results in reduced capillary hydrostatic pressure. Net reabsorption of fluid from interstitium to capillary occurs. Takes severeral hours for maximal effect.
Renal salt and water conservation helps to preserve blood voluem but takes hours to days. It is mediated by
- Direct effect of reduced arterial BP and renal perfusion (reverse of the renal pressure diuresis)
- Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) released form pituitary (also a vasoconstrictor)
- Angiotensin II and aldosterone
Severity of shcok
Compensatory changes
- Tachycardia
- Reduced end organ perfusion (non-vital)
- Reduced renal perfusion and low urine output
Reduced BP
Reduced perfusion of the heart
Reduced perfusion of the brain
Decompensated shock
In compensated shock, negative feedback mechanisms (short and long term BP control) attempt to maintain BP and perfusion of critical organs.
If hypovolaemia is severe enough, decompensatory mechanisms (positive feedback) overwhelm the compensatory mechanisms and result in progressive hypotension and death.
Decompansatory mechanisms
- Myocardial depression
- Acidosis
- CNS depression
- Tissue ischaemia
- Abnormal coagulation
- Vasomotor failure
Myocardial depression
- Loss of contractility as coronary perfusion falls
- Results in lower BP, which lowers coronary perfusion further…
A classic positive feedback loop
Inadequate blood flow during haemorrhage affects the metabolism of all cells in the body.
- It accelerates the production of H+.
- Impaired kidney function prevents excretion of the excess H+, and generalised metabolic acidosis results.
- Caused myocardial depression
- Decrease the responsiveness of the heart and vessels to SNS.