Control of Breathing Flashcards
Medullary respiratory centre (MRC)
is the central integrator for breathing control. It is a system of neurons situated in the brainstem (medulla oblongata and pons).
The medullar respiratory centre consists of a number of groups of neurons, the most important of which are:
(1) Dorsal respiratory group (DRG)
(2) Ventral respiratory group (VRG)
Dorsal respiratory group (DRG)
‘Inspiratory centre’. Composed entirely of inspiratory neurons.
Ventral respiratory group (VRG)
‘Expiratory’ centre. Composed of inspiratory and expiratory neurons.
Quiet breathing
Primarily involves the DRG and rhythm generating neurons in the upper part of the VRG (pre- Botzinger complex).
Efferent signals from the DRG intitiate contraction within the inspiratory muscles, principally the diaphragm (phrenic nerve). Impulses are ramped.
Expiration is passive requiring only the cessation of signals from the DRG and subsequent relaxation of the inspiratory muscle, allowing elastic recoil to occur.
Forced breathing
Forced breathing involves the VRG and DRG.
Recruitment of the VRG inspiratory neurons reinforces those of the DRG during forced inspiration.
Expiration entails not only inhibition of all respiratory neurons but also activation of VRG expiratory neurons.
Forced expiration involves contraction of expiratory muscles.
Pontine respiratory centre
The pons contains two important control centres that modify the output from the medullary respiratory centre and fine-tune respiratory rhythm.
(1) The pneumotaxic centre in the upper pons determines the length of the inspiratory phase of breathing.
(2) The apneustic centre in the lower pons prolongs inspiratory activity
The pneumotaxic centre
In the upper pons, determines the length of the inspiratory phase of breathing.
Increased activity cuts inhibits inspiratory neurons.
Smooth transition for inspiration to expiration.
The apneustic centre
In the lower pons, prolongs inspiratory activity.
The pneumotaxic centre usually keeps the apneustic centre suppressed.
Factors which alter ventilation
(1) Higher brain centres
(2) Peripheral chemoreceptors (aortic and carotid bodies)
(3) Stretch receptors (Herring-Breuer reflex)
(4) Irritant receptors
(5) Proprioceptors in muscles and joints
Medullary respiration centre
The output control automatic breating
Cerebral cortex
Exerts voluntary control over breathing (breath holding, hyperventilation, singing, speech)
While the cerebral cortex modifies brainstem control to some degree, it exerts voluntary control of breathing by a separate neural pathway to the respiratory motoneurons (therefore, limited control)
Emotional stimuli.
Temperature control centres in the hypothalamus also affects the rate of breathing.
Areas entrain breathing to body movements e.g. during exercise.
Receptors in the airways and lungs
Receptors are located throughout the respiratory tract and lung tissue from the nasal cavity to the alveoli.
(1) Irritant receptors
(2) C-fibre endings
(3) Peripheral sensory receptors in upper airways
(4) Stretch receptors
Irritant receptors
Rapidly adapting pulmonary receptors (RARs)
Lie between airway epithelial cells (conducting airways).
Chemoreceptive - mediate the cough reflex/bronchoconstriction