Shell Job Control and Kills Flashcards
List your jobs. Job number (job number, + current job - previous job, state, name)
Put a the ampersand at the end of the command line to let the command run as a background job. Returns jobnumber and processid.
Suspend the job. Type bg to put the job in the background or fg to resume the job in the foreground.d
If you have typed su and want to return to the original shell.
bg [%jobnumber]
Only bg puts the most recent command in the background.
fg [%jobnumber]
Only fg puts the most recently backgrounded job in the foreground.
Terminate the current foreground command.
Same as enter.
How to reset the terminal if nothing is working?
Type reset^J even if the characters aren’t displayed on screen.
End of file.
Terminate the shell.
Type exit or ^D.