sheet sillicates Flashcards
what are the main mineral groups within the sheet sillicates?
- micas
- clays
- serpentine
- chlorite
- talc
what property do ALL the sheet sillicates share?
they all have one cleavage direction between the sheets
a sheet sillicate has the following properties, what is it? habit: - anhedral massive structure aggregation: - massive colour: - light grey with a white streak mustre: - greasy to pearly cheavage: - one very poorly formed direction hardness: - 1/2 crumbles under finger nail
talc and mesolite (a zeolite ) both have a hardness of one, how would you distinguish between the two?
mesolite have a raidal aggregation with a fibrous habit whereas talc is commonly massive
colour and lustre are also very different from one another
a sheet sillicate has the follwing properties, identify it: habit: - elongated/prismatic aggregation: - granular colour: - very distinctive shade of plae green - no streak lustre: pearly/silky/greasy hardness: - 2.5-3.5 meaing can be scratched by finger nail or steel nail cleavage: -one direction ranging from poor to perfect
what are the diagnostic properties of serpentine?
hardness is very soft at 2-4
its very distinct pale green lustre
the silky/green lustre
identify the sheet sillicate from the following properties: habit: - anhedral, unique habit not visible aggregation: - massive colour: - dark grey with hints of green - green streak hardness: - 1/2 (scratched by finger nail) lustre: - ranges pearly/vitreous/dull cleavage: - one perfect direction
what are the diagnostic properties of chlorite?
- its dark colour BUT with a weird greenish tint/reflection
- very soft, hardness 1-2
chlorite and oxides can look very similar, how could you distinguish between them?
- chlorite is (i think) the only mineral to leave a green streak
- chlorite has one definite cleavage direction
which two clay minerals do we have specimines for and thus you should be able to identify?
what are the diagnositc properties of kalonite, and what group does it belong to?
the lab specimine looks like a block of cheese, but apart from that it is almost always:
- massive
- very crumbly in your hands
- super soft with hardness 1-2
- really just looks like a big block of white
what does the lab sample of celadonite look like?
its a basically is a grey rock with these weird circles/ hollows of a very distinctive and bright green rock inside
identify the following sheet sillicate: habit: - isometirc/ circular shaped crystals aggregation: - one of the samples appears botryoidal colour: very distinct pale green colour - streak: is green lustre: - earthy/dull cleavage: - none visible in either of the lab specimines but should be one direction hardness: - 3/4, scratched by steel nail
two of the sheet sillicates leave a green sheet. name them, and the properties that should allow you to NOT mistake them for one another
celadonite and chlorite.
- celadnoite is a much brighter green than the dark chlorite
- celadonte has hardness 3/4 and chlorite 1/3
- the chlorite specimine looks massive whereas the celadonite one doesnt
which are the two micas you need to know?
biotite and muscovite
ideontify the following sheet sillicate: habit: - platy - subhedral/euhedral colour: - black/brown in hand specimine but pale in sheets hardness: - 1/2 (scratched by finger nail) lustre: - typically pearly cleavage: - one perfect/good direction
identify the following sheet sillicate: habit: - platy/ hexagonal sheets colour: silverish but can also be dark lustre: - vitreous hardness: - 3/4 cleavage: one perfect direction
muscovite and biotite are VERY similar to one another. how could you tell them apart in the exam
- when not in sheets, biotite is darker and muscovite paler
2. biotite has a hardness 1/2 muscovite is 3/4 (so if the colour look rlly similar THIS should tell them apart)