Framework/tectosillicates Flashcards
What are the main rock groups present within the framework/tectosillicate group?
Quartz, feldspar, feldspathoids, zeolites
What is the typical hardness of feldspar?
What type of twinning is common in feldspar minerals?
Perthite twinning where albite (a form of plagioclase) intergrows in fine lamella within k feldspar
Describe the cleavage of k and plagioclase feldspars
Two perfect/good cleavage directions supposed to intersect at near 90 degrees
Nepheline is an example feldspathoid. It commonly resembles quartz, but what three factors allow it to be distinguished?
- Hardness 5/6 when compared to quartz 7
- Greasy lustre when compared to quartz typical vitreous
- Has one cleavage plane- QUARTZ DOES NOT
What factor separates quartz from all other framework/tectosillicates?
What are the three feldpathoids you need to identify?
Nepheline, sodalite, leucite
leucite appears similar to which zeolite? how can you distinguish the two?
analcime. honestly can seem to find valid ways to ditinguish between them
identify the follwing feldspathoid mineral:
- football/hexagonal crystal shape when visible
- 5/6 (scratched by qhartz glass)
- typically vitreous
- one poorly formed direction might be visible
- typically white but could be others due to impurities
streak colour:
Leucite- the distinguishing thing will be the sorta ball shaped/hexagonal cleavage direction
Nepheline and quartz appear VERY similar to one another, how can you distinguish between the two?
nepheline is softer (hardness 5/6 vs 7) and has a poorly formed cleavage direction - quartz has conchoidal fracturing
state the key physical properties of sodalite
habit: - prismatic/isometric grains colour: - bright blue colour, but darker than that of lazurite streak colour: - typically no streak colour hardness: - 5/6 (scratched by quartz glass) lustre: - can range from vitrous to greasy
what are the key diagnostic properties that separate lazurite, nepheline and leucite from one another and other minerals? (these are all felsdpathoids)
- has a distinct blue colour, common vitreous lustre and hardness 5/6
the football shaped aggregates (in the lab sample you can see it clearly its a plain brow rock with white circular crystals in it). It also has one potwential cleavage direction
- the habit is different to leucite (commonly isometric) and has a cleave direction and hardness 5/6
what is the most common sodalite?
name the key zeolites that we have specimines for and thus need to be able to identify
- Scolecite
- Mesolite
- Thomsonite
- Chazabite
- stillbite
- Heulandite
- Analcime
a zeolite has the following properties, identify it:
- isometric football/hexagonal shaped crystals
white. no streak
- commonly vitreous
- has one really poor cleavage direction
-3/4 (scratched by steel nail)