sharps Flashcards
What is considered a sharp?
human teeth
bone fragments
What are the risks involved with a sharps accident?
percutaneous injury
BBV infection/ transmission
Injury with a non-contaminated sharps e.g unused needle/ clean bur- must be reported as a near miss
What must you do when a sharps injury occurs?
Stop immediately
Apply first aid- encourage wound to bleed by squeezing it under warm water, wash thoroughly w/ soap + wate, dry hands + cover with waterproof dressing
Inform supervising clinician/ senior dental nurse
Complete BBV Exposure Protocol
Record + complete Datix Incident Reporting Form
What is the estimated risk of HEP B transmission?
1 in 3
What is the transmission risk for HEP C
1 in 30
Are there vaccinations for hep c?
Direct acting antiviral tablets (DAA) can be given instead
What is the risk of transmission for HIV
1 in 300
Post Exposure Pack must be commenced within 72hrs (24hrs better)
What is ‘First Aid’ when a sharps incident occurs?
Encourage wound to bleed by squeezing under warm water
Wash thoroughly