Shareholders And Stakeholders Flashcards
The company should treat all shareholders what?
Fairly and equitably
Aside from treating the shareholders fairly and equitably, what should the company do?
Recognize, protect, and facilitate the exercise of their rights
Where should the basic shareholder rights be disclosed?
Manual on Corporate Governance
Company’s Website
What are the shareholders’ rights?
Pre-emptive right
Dividend policies
Right to propose the holding of meetings
Right to nominate candidates to the BOD
Nomination process
Voting procedures that would govern the Annual and Special Shareholders’ Meeting
Right to Proxy
At least how many days before the meeting should the Board send the Notice of Annual and Special Shareholders’ Meeting?
At least 28 days
How can the Board encourage active shareholder participation?
By sending the Notice of Annual and Special Shareholders’ Meeting
By making the result of the votes publicly available the next working day
The Notice of Annual and Special Shareholders’ Meeting should be sent by the Board with what?
With sufficient and relevant information
How many days should the Minutes of the Annual and Special Shareholders’ Meeting be available on the company website?
Within 5 days from the end of the meeting
Where should the Minutes of the Annual and Special Shareholders’ Meeting be available?
On the company website
What should be included in the Minutes of the Meeting?
Description of the voting and the vote tabulation used
Record of questions of shareholders and the answers
Matters discussed and the resolutions reached
Record of the voting results for each agenda item
List of directors, officers, and shareholders who attended the meeting
Dissenting opinion that are significant in the discussion
Why should the Board make available an alternative dispute mechanism?
To resolve intra-corporate disputes amicably and effectively
An alternative dispute mechanism should be made available at what?
At the option of the shareholder
Why should the Board establish an Investor Relations Officer (IRO)?
To ensure constant engagement with its shareholders
The IRO should be present at what?
At every shareholders’ meeting
This includes the customer, employees, suppliers, shareholders, investors, creditors, the community the company operates in, society, the government, regulators, competitors, external auditors, etc.
In formulating the company’s strategic and operational decisions affecting its wealth, growth, and sustainability, due consideration is given to whom?
To those who have interest in the company and are directly affected by its operations
Where stakeholders’ rights and interests are at stake, stakeholders should what?
Should have the opportunity to obtain prompt, effective redress for the violation of their rights
It is a comprehensive approach to the management of organizations that is focused on creating and maximizing long-term economic, social, and environmental value.
What is best described by the keywords: Impact, Economics, Relations, and Transformation?
Sustainable Development
The keyword for when sustainability is responsible for the impact that the organization exerts on its surroundings, in business, environmental, and social terms.
The keyword for when sustainability is a skilled positioning of the organization in the economic reality, taking account of the social and economic challenges, environmental opportunities, and threats.
The keyword for when sustainability is the awareness that stakeholders surround the entity
The keyword for when sustainability is the transformation and development of the organization as well as the creation of its long-term value based on innovation as well as intellectual and relation capital.
What does the conscious management of impact translate into?
It translates into lower costs, improved external relations, and better-managed risks.
The awareness that the organization functions within a broader framework, amid complex interrelations with many stakeholder groups, allows it to what?
To get ready and make use of the opportunities linked with sustainability
Why is building and cultivating good relations with stakeholders based on engagement and dialogue crucial?
Because it not only affects the possibilities to manage risks but also supports the development and gives the organization a competitive edge
It is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable - to itself, its stakeholders, and the public.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
What is the other term for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
Corporate Citizenship
What should be practiced so that companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society?
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Four Steps in Launching a Corporate Social Responsibility
Step 1. Clarify the values of the company.
Step 2. Assess the organizational skills.
Step 3. Find potential projects.
Step 4. Select the best matches.
This involves “why”, the purpose, or the vision of the company that serves as the foundation of the conduct of their business.
Clarify the values of the company.
Where is the purpose summarized?
In the Vision Statement
This step involves reflecting on the key skills and core competencies.
Assess the organizational skills.
This step involves people approaching the organization to support its initiatives.
Find potential projects.
This step involves selecting one or more projects to support that are great matches with the overall company brand, including the mission and vision of the company.
Select the best matches.
It is better to select potential projects in advance based on what?
Based on the company’s purpose, values, skills, and passion
How to find the best matches?
Start with a broad list of projects before narrowing down the options.
How to create a list of potential projects?
- Do a google search on non-profit charities and social organizations in the business area.
- Go to a non-profit association that can help identify community needs.
- Call various government agencies and ask which organizations are working on certain problems that interest their organization