Shareholder Meetings Flashcards
When can a written resolution NOT be used (Exceptions)
Removal of auditor
Removal of a director
Who can propose a written resolution at any time
Per S.291, directors can propose a written resolution at any time
Members can propose a WR by:
Not less 5% of total voting rights
The company will then circulate the wording of the resolution, and can also include a 1000 word supporting statement
Who should a written resolution be sent to and how?
All eligible members at the same time.
By hard copy, electronic means or on the website
Who can propose a written resolution?
Members can propose a WR by:
Not less 5% of total voting rights
The company will then circulate the wording of the resolution, and can also include a 1000 word supporting statement
How is a written resolution approved?
Signify agreement: by returning a document to the company (hard or electronic) signifying their consent
Approved when: the requisite majority have signified their agreement
Lapses: 28 days (CA2006 s.297)
What is the Duomatic principle?
If 100% of the shareholders come together to approve something unanimously, then it becomes binding and passes like it was agreed at a shareholder meeting. This is how public companies can pass a written resolution.
What is the difference between an AGM and a GM?
AGMs have to happen annually, however GMs are as and when required. There is generally no difference in business of the meeting.
What is the requirement to hold an AGM?
AGMs have to be held by public companies and traded companies.
There is no statutory requirement for a private company to hold an AGM, except if they are traded (s.336).
What is the business of a general meeting/AGM?
- Receiving annual report/accountd (CA2006)
- Declare dividend
- Elect directors
- Appoint auditors/Remuneration of auditors
- Quoted companies: resolve to approve director remuneration report (non-binding) and directors remuneration policy (binding, every 3 years)
- Change articles
- Issue more shares
- Disapply pre-emption rights
- issue shares instead of cash dividends
- Political donations
Who has authority to convene a General Meeting?
Members with 5% of the voting rights can convene a meeting
What is a class meeting?
Meeting of those holding a certain class of shares
When is a class meeting required?
When rights affecting that class are being changed
If a class has no rights to vote, can they still vote at a class meeting?
They can vote at a class meeting, but CANNOT vote at a general meeting/AGM
Who has authority to convene a class meeting?
- Members with 5% of the voting rights can convene a meeting
- Directors
- Exception: Members of a class cannot come together to demand a class meeting
What are the notice periods for meetings for the following companies?
- Private companies
- Public companies
- Listed Companies
- Traded companies
- Special notice for ordinary resolutions
- Private companies - 14 days (GM)
- Public companies - 14 days (GM) and 21 days (AGM)
- Listed Companies - 20 days (FRC Guidance on Board Effectiveness (BEG))
- Traded companies-21 days (but can be reduced to 14 days by SR)
- Special notice for ordinary resolutions - 28 days (but can be reduced to 14 days by Articles)
Required for removing auditor/director
Can notice periods be altered? How?
By agreement to short notice
You cannot shorten notice periods, only extend them by amendment to the Articles by special resolution.
What is a clear day?
Doesn’t include day notice is sent or date of the meeting
When does the notice period begin?
A notice period begins once notice is served/received, which is 48hrs after posting/sending (s. 360). Unless it was posted on a website, then it is immediate (s. 1147).
48hrs + clear day + 14 days + clear day
How can a company agree to hold a general meeting or AGM at short notice?
Private company: 90% share capital (can be increased in Articles only to 95%)
Public company: 95% share capital
Protects the minority shareholders from quick decisions from majority shareholders.
What should be included in the notice?
- Time, place, date of meeting
- General nature of business
- Details of resolutions
- Special/ordinary
- Signature of CoSec on behalf of the board / or from Director
- Details of how to appoint a proxy (Listed companies have to issue a form, the others just info on how to appoint)
Where is quorum found for members meetings, and what is the quorum stated here?
CA2006 s. 318
Sole member = 1
All other companies = 2 present in person or by proxy (unless Articles state otherwise – model articles are silent on quorum)
What are the provisions for where there is a lack of quorum?
Model Articles = quorum not present within 30mins, chair must adjourn meeting
CA2006 = if one member appoints 2 proxies, this does not constitute a quorum as it only represents one member.
If one of two members refuses to attend general meetings, can a meeting be held?
No – under the model articles, no, but if the companies articles state so, then yes.
What are the main responsibilities of the Chair in regards to conduct at a shareholder meeting and where is this authority found?
Authority is found in the Articles Responsibilities: • Ensure meeting is properly and fairly conducted allowing opinions to be expressed • Minutes reflect the meeting • Adjourn meeting (if disorderly) • Points of order • Decide validity of votes • Declare results of show of hands • Eject members • Decide validity of amendments to resolutions • Demand a poll