Chapter 6: Annual or Integrated Report Flashcards
What companies are required to keep accounting records?
All companies regardless of their type and whether or not they are trading are required to keep accounting records per S.386.
What is the default date of a company’s accounting reference period?
The end of the month of the anniversary of its incorporation.
What sections of the annual report are the CoSec’s responsibility?
- Strategic report
- Directors’ report
- Remuneration report
- Corporate Governance Reports
- Reports of the various committees
- Ensuring that all all statutory and governance disclosures are made within the reports or the notes to the accounts
What are the attributes of micro-sized companies?
Less than 10 employees
Less than £316,000 balance sheet
Less than £632,000 turnover
At least 2 of the above need to be met
What are the filing requirements of micro-sized companies?
Directors report – optional Strategic report – no Profit & loss – abridged and optional Balance sheet – abridged Auditors report – if audited Notes - yes
What are the attributes of small-sized companies?
Less than 50 employees
Less than £5.1 million balance sheet
Less than £10.2 million turnover
What companies are excluded from being a small-sized company?
• Public company
• Insurance/banking/regulated (Authorised insurance company, Banking company, e-money issuer, MIFID investment firm, UCITS company)
• Ineligible group (small company regime, s.384)
• If any of its members/shareholders are:
o Traded on regulated market (EEA state)
o Doing regulated activities (FSMA2000)
o Insurance/banking/regulated activities
What are the filing requirements of small-sized companies?
Directors report – optional Strategic report – optional Profit & loss – abridged optional Balance sheet – abridged Group accounts – optional Auditors report – if audited Notes - YEs
What are the attributes of medium-sized companies?
Less than 250 employees
Less than £18 million balance sheet
Less than £36 million turnover
What are the filing requirements of medium-sized companies?
Directors report – yes Strategic report – abridged Profit & loss – abridged Balance sheet – abridged Group accounts – if a group Auditors report – if audited Notes - yes
What rules/legislation govern the additional disclosures required for listed companies?
Listing rules and DTR, Market Abuse Regulations, UK Corporate governance code, FRC guidance.
What are the contents of the Strategic report?
Purpose: Shows members how directors performed in relation to s. 172. How the company is achieving its goals.
- Helpful for attracting members (will be longer for a quoted company, compared to private)
- A fair review of the business, balanced, comprehensive analysis of development, performance and position.
- KPIs – how the company has succeeded
- Principal risks and uncertainties.
What must Quoted companies include in their strategic report?:
- Trends for future
- Environmental matters
- Strategy/business model
- Gender of senior management
What must Traded companies include (ESG report):
- Environment
- Social matters
- Employees
- Human rights
- Anti-corruption/bribery
What should the Directors report contain?
Purpose: transparency to the members – directors have done their duty to the company. How they have applied the codes/rules in the running of the company. Corporate Social Responsibility.
- Names of directors
- Recommended dividend (if one)
- Statement that:
1- No info the auditor isn’t aware of
2- Directors made themselves aware of such info/told auditor
According to the Directors’ Report Regulations 2008 what must the directors’ report also include:
- Principal activities/review of business
- Significant events
- Activities in research/development
- Company share purchases
- Donations over £2,000
- Disabled employees
- H&S
- Employee development
What must the Auditors’ report contain?
Statement of opinion of the auditor on whether the accounts show a ‘true and fair’ view of the accounts in accordance with the framework and CA2006.
Outline any material uncertainties, doubts, misstatements
The audit report must state: (s.495):
1- If accounts prepared in accordance with UK GAAP/IFRS
2- Prepared in accordance with the Act (UK GAAP) or IAS (IFRS)
3- Fair and true view of
a. Balance sheet
b. P&L
c. State of affairs of the Group (if a group)
(pg. 184)
What are the contents of the Directors remuneration report?
Information on rem policy, and remuneration given to directors (i.e. fees, pensions, shareholdings) shown against a performance graph over the last 5 years.
Must be approved every year by members
Audited section = emoluments, share options and incentive schemes
What should the Auditor’s Report to audit committee contain?
Auditors giving a report to the audit committee
Scope/timing, materiality, deficiency’s in accounting systems, non-compliance, audit partners,
Audit, Nomination and Remuneration Committee Reports
Report to the audit committee is separate to the audit committee report
The work of these 3 committees should be explained in the annual report (UKCGC)
• Disclose any significant issues
• Particular focus areas
• Actions to monitor/verify independence of auditor
• Details of audit tender (if term is up)
How do the accounts need to be made available and for how long?
s.430 – Quoted companies – available on their website
DTR – Listed companies – made available for 10 years
Made available as soon as practicable on a website maintained by the company
Available to all members of the public continuously and free
Debenture holders can obtain accounts/reports
What is integrated reporting?
Material info about strategy, governance, performance, practices
Commercial social environment
International Integrated Report Framework (IIRC)
Includes CSR & ESG benchmarking
What affects the independence of the auditor?
A person cannot be appointed as an auditor if they are an officer/employee of the company or associated undertaking (i.e. subsidiary or parent)
Audit Regulation – Article 4 & 5 (Non-audit services)
For a PIE, certain prohibited services cannot be done. In addition to the restriction on types of non-audit services, there’s also a restriction on the relative fees payable to the audit firm. The fee is capped on ALL non-audit related activity (PIEs and non-PIEs) to 70% of total audit fee from the previous 3 years.
Prohibited services for PIEs include (i.e. the below CAN be done for a non-PIE):
- Tax
- Management
- Bookkeeping
- Payroll
- Risk Management
- Valuation
- Legal
- Internal audit
- Capital structuring
- HR
- Underwriting shares