share capital Flashcards
what is it
money raised by selling shares in business
adv-money does not need to be repaid
adv-new shareholders can bring in additional expertise into a business
dis-orignial owner no longer owns all of the business
dis-shareholders expect to get share of profits through dividends
venture capital
can be provided by buisness angeks or profesiional employye working on behalf of a venture caital firm
dis-have to give up a share of business and sometimes they want big say in how business is run
adv-may benefit from exert advice
adv-do not need to be repaid
limited liability
owners are only responsible for losing amout they invest into business
e.g public and privat limited companies
unlimited liabitlity
resposinble for all debts of business
can risk losing personal assets e.g house
e.g sole traders and partnerships
business plan
plan of what business wants to achive and how they are going to achieve it
conist of aims and objectives,cash flow frecastes, stament of comprehensive income etc
adv of business plan
potential investors can see business has done its research, more liekly to invest into business
shows how profitbae busienss expects to be, investors can see whenthey should recive returns on ivetsment
cash flow forecasts
sho cash nflows (revived by business) cash outflow (money paid out by buisness)
adv of cash flow forecasts
ensures they have enouh working capital to run their business from day to day and pay their emplyees
aloows them to see when is most liekly they will lose cash meaning can provide a loan or overdraft in time
dis of cash flow forecasts
hard for nw business who just set up
dynamic market where cash is constantly chnaging due to changes in demand
research adn experinece
ner cash flow
cash inflows-cash utflows
closing balance=opening balance plus net cash flow
sales forcast
predict sales volume and sales revenue based on past sales data
what can sales foercast help tell you
makreting-if sales are found t dcline, may tehn launch new campigns to gain sales
resources-asssaures firm has all resources its needs so can meet predicted demand
what are the 3 factors affecting sales forecasts
consumer trends-if decerease in demand, fall in sales
economic varibales-chnages in interest rates, inflation and employent levels causing sales to decline or increase depending on how money consumers have
actions of comeptitors-if they launch new product or reduce price down then sales may drop for the compaany
sales volume
number of units sold
sales revenue
value of sales
sales revnue
selling price times sales volume
fixed costs
do not change with output
e.g rent, basic salaries
variable costs
do change with ouput e.g raw material costs, packagining costs
total vairable costs
AVCxqunaitity demanded
break even point
level of sales a business needs to make to cover its costs
total revenue-total costs
break even analsyis
actuak kevel of sales needed to sell to break even
margin of safety
difference betweeen the actual output and break even
break even calucation
total fixed costs divided by contribtuion
selling price-variable cost per unit
margin of safety
differrence between actual output and break even
actual ouput-break eeven ouput
adv of break even analysis
easy to do
managger can see break eeven ouput and margin of safety imediately so can take quick action to reduce costs
helps persaude sources of finance to give them money
dis of break even analysis
does not take into account wastage, assums business sells all products withput any wastate
if data is inaccurate, results are all wrong
sim-le for a ingle prduct but hard to do for all different products
what are the 3 types of budgets
profit budget=income budget-expensiture budget
income budget-amount of moeny that comes into business as REVENUE
expenditure-total costs will be for the year
financial plan for future
adv of budgets
can be motivating for workers as have targets to work towards
helps control income and expensiture
helps managers to review activies and make deceions
dis of budgets
time consuming,
inflation is hard to predict
historical budgets
updated each year
adv-easy and quick to do
dis-not as precise
zero based budget
made from scratch each year
adv-more precise/accurate
dis-takes longer to do
fixed bugets
where have to stick tp same budget throughout whole year
adv-certinity and despline
dis-may miss out on opportunties
flexible budgeting
alwows budgets to be alterned in reponse to signifianct chnages in makret or economy
adv-more flexibility
F=favourable-performing better then expected
a=adverse-perfomring worse then expected
gross profit
total revenue-cost of sales
gross profit-other operating expenses
net profit=operating profit-interest
formula for percnatge change in profit
current years profit-prevuous years profit divided by prevousb years profit times 100
statment of comprensive income
shows how much money flowing into a business and how much cming out
pfot margis
gross profit divided by revenue ti es 100
operating profit divided by revenue times 100
net profit divided by revenue times 100
how are profit andd cash different
cash-how much have right now to oay bills
profit-could be paid months later
may have ltos of profit but sitll run out of cash
statment of finaical postion
lists of assets and liabilities -called balance sheets
show snapshot of firms finanes at fixed point in time
assets(things that belong to business)
liabilties (things busienss owes)
current assest
business tends to exchnage for cash within the accounting year
non-current assets
business keeps asset for longer then acounting year
current liabilties
tend to pay back within year
non-current liabilties
dets which do not need to be paid off within accounting year
bad dets
where dont pay back debts they should have
how easily asset can turn into cash used for buying things
e.g cash is very liquid
non-cureent assets are not very liquid
liquidisation-selling all assets to pay off debts
current ratio
current asstes divided by curernt liabilties
acid test ratio
current asstes-inventory divided by current liabilties
working capital
amount of money for day to day running of business
current assets-current laibilties
working capital cycle-how long it taes from buying raw materials to getting cash of finished product that has been sold
what way can liquidty be imporved d
decreasing stock levels, speening up collection of debts owed to the business
business failure
cant cover its expenses
internal finical reasons for business failure
poor efficinecy-costs are not as low as can be
management of working capital-not having enough cash for day to day running of business
bad decsions about how a fimr is finaiced e.g too reliant on overdrafts
internal non-finaical reasons
communcation-not workign well together
inadepquate market resarch and analysis-failing to monitor changes in consumer trends
external fanical reseasons
interest rates,e xchange rates, inflatio
economic recession-peolle have less disposabke income
external non-finaical resaons
chnages inc omsumer trendns-suddently stops wanting product
actions of compeitors-able to offer simialr products at low prices
poor communication outside of business e.g with suppliers
what are the 4 types of production emthodsz
job production
selling 1 off itmes made by skilled workers
adv-more willing to chnagre higher prices for something unique/hand made
adv-made by skilled worker so tends to be high quality
dis-cannot achiev eEOS as matierals cannot be brought in bulk
dis-pay higher wages to workers