Shakespeare's Life & A Midsummer Night's Dream Flashcards
In what city was Shakespeare born?
Stratford upon Avon
What was the name of Shakespeare’s theater?
The Globe
What common subjects did Shakespeare write his sonnets about?
The dark lady, the fair youth, and rival poets
What is the rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet?
How many lines are in a sonnet?
What does iambic pentameter consist of?
Five iambs (two syllables, one is stressed)
What is the name of the sudden change in subject or point of view near the end of a sonnet?
What language did Shakespeare use to write his works? (What specific form of English)
Early Modern English
What are Shakespeare’s children named?
Susanna, Judith & Hamnet
At the start of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, who is in love with whom?
Helena → Demetrius → Hermia ← → Lysander
What second name is used to refer to Robin Goodfellow?
Why are Oberon and Titania fighting at the beginning of the play?
Oberon wants Titania to give him the slave child
Why might Helena be jealous of Hermia?
Hermia has Demetrius’ love, and Helena does not
What three options given by Theseus must Hermia decide between?
Become a nun, marry Demetrius, or die
Who does Puck anoint with magic love juice? Why does he anoint Lysander?
Lysander and Demetrius, he mistakes Lysander for Demetrius
Which characters are part of the Mechanicals?
Quince, Snug, Bottom, Flute, Snout, Starveling
How would you describe Nick Bottom?
Proud, narcissistic, egotistical
How is the lovers’ conflict resolved?
The love potion is reversed for Lysander so he falls back in love with Hermia, Demetrius stays in love with Helena
Why does Oberon reverse the love spell on Titania?
He has gotten what he wanted
What conflicts occur in the play?
Titania vs. Oberon, Hermia vs. Theseus, Lysander vs. Demetrius, Hermia vs. Helena
What are some of the transformations that occur in the play? Consider both literal and figurative transformations.
Bottom: Nick → Donkey
Helena: insecure → happy
Demetrius to Helena: frustrated → in love
Why is setting important to deeper themes of the play? Pay close attention to the contrast between the city and the forest. What does moving between two settings achieve?
The forest represents magic and transformation under the darkness. The city represents the conflict within the lovers’ lives. Moving between the two settings indicates resolution.
Why is A Midsummer Night’s Dream considered a comedy?
It starts in conflict and ends in resolution
What are the four plot lines in A Midsummer Night’s Dream? What do these plots have in common? In what ways do they differ?
Titania & Oberon, the four lovers, the Mechanicals, Theseus & Hippolyta. Each plot involves a problem that needs to be solved, and each problem is solved using magic.