Farenheit 451 Flashcards
“Are you happy?” Which character asks this question? Who do they ask?
Clarisse asks Montag
Why is the book called Fahrenheit 451?
It is the temperature at which books burn
When Montag first returns home, what does he see?
He sees that Mildred is lying dead on the bed
Who comes to visit Montag while he’s sick?
Which book of the Bible must Montag memorize?
Who are Mildred’s cousins, aunts, and uncles?
The characters she watches on the television
What animal is the machine that pumps Mildred’s stomach compared to?
A snake
What emblem on the firemen’s suits symbolizes their ability to survive fire?
A salamander
Which character loves her TV family more than her own family?
Which character considers themselves a coward? Why?
Faber, he says he saw the way things were going a long time back yet did nothing
How do the firemen know which houses to go to?
Other people inform them by calling in an alarm
Which character talks at length about what they know about history, technology, education, and the inner workings of society? Why is this paradoxical?
Beatty, he continues to uphold the laws of society by burning books to take away knowledge, yet seems to have a lot of knowledge himself
At what point does Montag worry that Beatty knows he stole a book?
When making a sick call to Montag’s home, Beatty tells Montag that at some point every fireman becomes curious and steals a book
What are the earplug radios called? What do they symbolize?
Seashells, they symbolize total government control
What did Faber do for a living before he retired?
He was an English professor
Why does Montag pity the Mechanical Hound?
It only does what it is programmed to do, it has no thoughts of its own
What does Montag stash behind the ventilator in his home?
Who calls in the alarm to Montag’s house?
What do the police do when they can’t find Montag?
They identify another man as Montag and have him killed
How did Clarisse die? How does Mildred say she died?
Mildred claims that Clarisse was hit by a car, the family moved away four days prior
How is the city destroyed?
A bomb destroys everything
What does the phoenix symbolize?
What are some paradoxes in this book? What makes them such?
Mildred: alive, but not alive
Montag: in control, but out of control
Is Ray Bradbury for or against censorship? Why?
Against, he believes censorship hinders knowledge