shakespeare Flashcards
someone with authority
lord and master
to wear off
to decline in quality
to see better days
not sleep at all
not sleep a wink
dishonest, treacherous behaviour
foul play
unequivocally deceased
dead as a door nail
no words could do it justice
beggar all descriptions
greatly irritate or annoy someone
to set one’s teeth on edge
too soon to know how something will turn out
early days (yet)
something that came about by some fortunate chance
as good luck would have it
laugh uproariously
laugh oneself into stitches
an inevitable conclusion
a foregone conclusion
in a single action
at one fell swoop
game is over- it’s all lost
we have seen through your tricks - your deceit is exposed
the game is up
tell the truth even when tempted to lie
tell the truth and shame the evil
give back what you owe
give the devil his due
to frown in concern
knit one’s brows
what the hell
what the dickens
submit with good grace
make a virtue out of necessity
injured by something that u meant to use to injure others
be hoist with one’s own petard
breathing that is subdued because of some emotion or difficulty
bated breath
makes no sense
neither rhyme nor reason
be in a difficult situation
be in a pickle
bloody fool
blinking idiot
be inconstant and unreliable
play fast and loose
a state of happiness based on false hope
to live in a fool’s paradise
excess may do you harm
too much of a good thing
chyba ty
the more fool you
the truth will eventually become known
the truth will out
disappear without trace
melt into thin air
miłość jest ślepa
love is blind
szczera zazdrość
green-eyed jealousy
someone who can be relied on to provide comfort and support
a tower of strength to me
do something unpleasant but good for another person
be cruel only to be kind
with regret or sadness rather than with anger
more in sorrow than in anger
mniej winny niż jego oskarżyciele
more sinned against than sinning
tak czy inaczej
be that as it may
diabeł wcielony
a devil incarnate
stop being rude
keep a good tongue in one’s head
pleasure of being rid of some annoyance
good riddance
to behave in a formal way
to stand on ceremony
an ostentatious display of ceremonial graneur
pomp and circumstance
skakać wokół kogoś
be dancing attendance
to not change one’s opinion
(not) budge an inch
zrobić z kogoś kozła ofiarnego
make someone a laughing stock
the most important thing ending all search for an alternative
the be-all and end-all
a pearl of thunder announcing the day of judgement
the crack of doom
uczciwa gra
fair play
entirely suited to do something
to the manner born
the essence of being witty lies in its concise wording and delivery
brevity is the soul of wit
without knowing
publicly acknowledged and praised
to become or do better than someone
to surpass
in an extreme way that continues without stopping
a poor consolation
cold comfort
an ugly sight in a public place
an eye-sore
not change even though went through the process
to come full circle
ale z niego król
every inch a king
to be full of care and compassion for others
to be full of the milk of human kindness
in your deepest and most secret thoughts
in your heart of hearts
there is something going on
there is something in the wind
a bad condition or situation
sorry sight
to deal with or get rid of something or someone quickly
to make a short shrift of
be negative about somebody’s ideas or plans
to throw cold water on
rozdarte serce
divided loyalties
to make someone go away
to do much better than ones competitor
to send somebody packing
the part f a society that is connected with study and thinking
seeming to be in all places
most important
to make up/invent new words
to coin words
to get information or reaction from someone
only developing ( about a feeling)
nascent (love)
by chance; possibly
all of somebody’s possesions
bag and baggage
enough space to move freely
elbow room
na litość boską
for goodness sake
(not) stand a chance when compared to
(can’t) hold a candle to
to express an opinion
a way of saying that you do not understand something that is said or written
it’s all greek to me
spadająca gwiazda
shooting star
unlucky people who are unluckily in love
star-crossed lovers
search for something that may not exist, pointless search
wild-goose chase
makes you think soething is true but does not prove it
to respect somebody so much that you do everything to please them
to grovel
kind and often feeling sympathy for other people
not trying to hide your bad behaviour
to become smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number
the state of being engaged to a person
not taking sides
extremely powerful
to walk in a confident way
to be scared of something, feel fear
to fret
a cruel, unpleasant woman who shouts a lot
to repeat what somebody said in a wrog way
a place where worms live
severe and showing no saddness or guilt
careful when using money or food, or (of a meal) cheap or small in amount
a small dispute between a small number of people
rough and twisted
strange, surprising, or uncontrolled in a humorous way
easily annoyed