What was Shakespeare also known as?
Bard of Stratford-Upon-Avon
When was Shakespeare born (assumed)?
April 23, 1564 —> St. George’s Day
What was Shakespeares family like?
- Mother: Mary (Arden)
- Father: John Shakespeare, successful merchant
- Siblings: 3rd/8 children (3 dead in childhood)
What was Shakepeares schooling like?
- He went to grammar school in Stratford.
- Lessons = some in English, mainly in Latin
- DID NOT attend university
Who made up Shakespeares personal family?
- Anne Hathaway
- Married: November 1582
- Shakespeare = 17 Anne = 26
- 3 children: Suzanna, Hamnet + Judith
- Son = dead at 11 (AUG 11, 1596); no male heir
Who made up Shakespeare’s personal family?
- Anne Hathaway
- Married: November 1582
- Shakespeare = 17 Anne = 26
- 3 children: Suzanna, Hamnet + Judith
- Son = dead at 11 (AUG 11, 1596); no male heir
How many people lived in Shakespeare’s London? What was the environment like?
- Half a million
- narrow streets, clogged with carriages and human waste
- LONDON = biggest + richest city in England
Who were the Monarchs in Shakespeare’s time?
- Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603)
AKA The Elizabethan Era - King James I (1566-1625)
AKA The Jacobean Era
Why did Shakespeare shift to poetry?
1593: the theatres were shut due to an outbreak of Bubonic Plague
- 154 sonnets
- Longer poems (Venus and Adonis)
When did he return to theatre?
1594: leading member of The Lord Chamberlain’s Men
- he acted in his plays (for Queen Elizabeth I)
- he wrote Romeo and Juliet, Richard II, Love’s Labour’s Lost
What was the primary home for Shakespeare’s acting company?
1599: Globe Theatre
- Southwark, outside of London proper, on the bank of the River Thames
- area known for its gambling and houses
of prostitution
How did theatre goers get to the Globe?
- Walk across the River Thames on the Tower Bridge
- bridge was lined with the heads of traitors on sticks as a reminder to citizens not to commit treason or other crimes
Describe the Globe
- 3 stories high
- no roof, made of thatch (replaced every 4y)
- capacity of 3000 people
- flags to indicate type of play being shown
What was the pre-show entertainment?
Bear-Baiting: popular with working-class people, bet on who would die first
—> bear vs pack of dogs
Who was the audience in the Globe?
- all members of society (more men)
- Royalty –> no public theatres, instead acting troupes were summoned to perform at the courts
What was the seating like in the Globe?
- 1 PENNY = standing room, “Groundlings”, ash + sand + nutshells + poop
- 2 PENNIES = box seats
- 3 PENNIES = box seats + cushion
- Most expensive = Lord Rooms
What was the audience like during plays at the Globe?
- If play was boring —> throw rotten eggs + vegetables
- Loud talking, played cards, pick fights
How often were new plays presented?
Every 3 weeks
What were the actors like in the plays?
- NO WOMEN (until 1660)
- young boys played female roles
What was the stage environment like?
- little amount of furniture
- trapdoor (used for ghosts)
- bags of pigs blood and guts were used
- real swords used in battle scenes
What was the first play at the Globe Theatre?
Julius Caesar (1599)
How much was Shakespeare paid for a play?
- about 5 Pounds, the equivalent to a year’s wages for an average shopkeeper at the time
What caused the Globe to burn down?
- A cannon shot during a performance of Henry VII in 1613, the thatched roof caught fire
- Rebuilt a year later
- ran until 1644: Puritans (sect of religious fanatics) burned it down for being immoral
When did Shakespeare retire from theatre?
1611, return to Stratford-Upon-Avon
When did Shakespeare die?
April 23, 1616 at the age of 52
- avg life expectancy = 35y
- church vicars diary claim: caught a virus after drinking with writers Drayton and Ben Jonson
Where was he buried and baptised?
Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-Upon-Avon